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Ray Stoneberger

Personal Experience Resume

-Camping since the age of 7 (now 19)
-mostly camped at Winton woods in Oxford Ohio multiple times a year
-have camped in my own backyard since age of 7
-Rock Climbed on Indoor facilities every winter growing up from 2004-2008 at
climb time
-Attempted to snowboard at age 13 (havent attempted since)
-I have fished on and off since a very young age. I fish whenever It gets
brought up, never actually have pursued fishing as a hobby.
-I have canoed and Kayaked on the little Miami River every Summer growing
up in Cincinnati
-I have kayaked on Gull Lake in Kalamazoo Michigan every summer from
-I have white water rafted on the new river in West Virginia every summer
from 2005-2009

I know I dont have a whole lot of experience in the outdoors but I plan
on enhancing this list in the very near future and that is one of the reasons
why I am an outdoor recreation major. So I can have more opportunities
being out in nature and hopefully eventually teach others about it and how
beautiful it is and can be.

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