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I don't travel for work. I have freids that do. I don't.

I did do a little trave

lling for one of my jobs, maybe 10 years or so, maybe a little longer. I think I
flew twice for work.
One time I, alone, flew to Arlington Virginia. Did some network wiring for them,
set up a router and a few other little things. They were gracious enough to let
me wander around and get to see some of the war memorials. Seeing those is a wh
ole other story, I'll save that for another time.
The other time I traveled, we flew to Dayton Ohio. We being myself and my co-wor
ker John. He was friggan smart guy and excellent with computers. Very detail ori
ented. I rode his coattails for a while at that job.
On the flight back we had a storm delay our flight. I remember sitting in the ai
rport for a couple of hours while waiting for the flight to land. We caught that
flight and then had to swap over. If I remember right the first flight was a sm
all jump to a larger airport, and it was there that we were dashing for our flig
ht back to Boston.
Where was I.. oh yeah the storm and the layover. It was a small jet, 2 seats on
eah sie, so rows of 4 maybe 60 peolpe? We're standing there withour carryons, be
cause this was a 3 day trip, and we are standing out on the tarmac they're refue
ling the jet, you can smell the aviayion fuel.
I hear this noise, a *chk chk chk" noise. A woman standing next to John is tryin
g to light a cigareete. I poke him, "hey, dude she's trying to kill us." John al
ways much better, at frasing things thasn i am tells the woman she's going to bl
ow us all up. She stops her attempt to kill us all together.
We boarded the plane, i read a book abouy a marine that threw himself omto a gre
nade, saved everyone but he dies. That's kind of grim to drop into the middle of
a plane travelling story, but too late to take it back, anyway...
We hop off this plane race for the next one. We can see the door and the airline
lady closes it. It closed with a thud. It made a thud that had a finality you o
nly hear in movies. Like when they sealed indiana jones down with the snakes. ye
ah, that kinda noise.
Airline lady says no more allowed on the plane. once that door is closed, no mor
e people. The woman next to us throws a shit fit. She cries, says that she's goi
ng to miss her daughter's wedding, which of course I believed because you always
travel with only minutes to spare before your daughters wedding. I believed he
r 100%.
The tell us they'll put us up for the night and we're out on a 7am flight the ne
xt morning. The say there'll be a courtesy van picking us up and taking us to a
motel, should be here shortly. this is about 10pm. Why is that important? becaus
e afer 90 minutes we're still outside waiting. Sure we went in and talked to the
flight people several times, still after 90 minutes, still no van. gripe gripe
gripe, they have someone show up. It's a little old man, who I'm sure, they had
to wake up to come get us. He drives us back to the motel. We get checked in and
have to walk through the bar. John grabs a table and I go to the bar and order
him a bear and myslef something a bit stronger. The bartender looks at me and sa
ys, "last call was 5 minutes ago".
I blink stupidly, I don't understand what he's saying.
I must've looked absolutely pathetic, becuase he said, "ok, what do you wants?"
i ordered two of each. The poor bastard must've thought I was about to burst int
o tears on him. Which I was. But still, we got our drinks.

They provide us with a room for the night and we head out the next morning. Gues
s who's there next morning? Shit fit lady. Who they got her bumped up to frist c

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