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My Family Story

In 2010, I and my family came to Australia. The reason why we came to Australia is because we neede
When we got to Australia, my dad went to find work. My dad is an IT professional. When I was 4 years

When I soon got to year 3, I got a baby brother. We named him Michael. He is 6 months old now. When
My class at

alia is because we needed more work.

onal. When I was 4 years old, my mum also went to find work. My mum is a blood collector. Before my mum wen

6 months old now. When my brother was 3 months old, I was in my old school, Public school. My best friend wa

tor. Before my mum went to work, she dropped me to a day care place so I can get guarded.

chool. My best friend was, Sam. We both did some comedy. But I and my family had to leave this house and sch

leave this house and school. So we went to Australia, I got my admission at public school.

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