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Halloween is a holiday home Celtic, taken today by many people in the Western world, spreading it

in the nineteenth century by immigrant Irish in the United States.It is celebrated on the night
of October 31, although the celebration date varies in some countries - for example in Sweden is
celebrated on the first Saturday in November. The name comes from the English, the phrase All
Hallows' Even the name Christian feast of All Saints, celebration that Halloween became associated
in countries where prevailing Western Christianity - Catholic and Protestant, because in these cults
Christian All Saints Day is celebrated on November 1. Specific carved pumpkin for Halloween is
representing Jack's lantern. During this holiday children masks in witches, mummies and other
characters and wander from house to house asking "Trick or Treat?" (Fools or sweets) as a threat
that unless they are given sweets person carols i will play a farce. Elsewhere Halloween is

celebrated with parades and carnivals

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