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Bond or Bourne?

For years, decades even, audiences world-wide have loved the thrill of an intense lose-lose situation
in action films. Influences from a specific action hero from the 60s changed the genre to what it is
today. This action hero, James Bond, exploded the action film possibilities to new heights with his
film debut, Dr. No, fighting off all the mediocre competition with ease. 007 was, and some saystill is,
the epitome of an indestructible man. Indestructible that is, until a C.I.A.-amnesiac, U.S. government
hired, Black Ops superspy, Jason Bourne, smashed his way onto the silver screen. Suddenly there
was someone who could create a struggle with the British secret agent. This brought many to the
debate of which of the two is tougher, stronger, etc. which can only be answered by the fan asked.
First look at two of the biggest action heroes of today and examine their similarities and differences.
Aside from having the same initials and drawing blood in hand-to-hand combat with enemies; these
two actually, really dont have a whole lot in common. Both of our stars were created from the
imaginations of their own books authors. Bond from the versatile mind of writer and former British
agent Ian Fleming, while Bourne from the well-known thriller-writer, Robert Ludlum. Other similarities
are simply minimal. Having women as allies to report to: Head of MI6, M for Bond and C.I.A Deputy
Director and Task Force Chief, Pamela Landy for Bourne; being hardcore superspies and both
having some sort of tech support are the few ways they are similar.
The vast number of differences in these two, film and literary heroes, range from how they dress to
how they spend their hours off duty (which Bournes lucky if he can find peace at all). Starting with
C.I.A.s Operation Treadstone-hunted Jason Bourne, the differences are immediately seen in the fact
that he has absolutely no memory of his past, prior to waking up with gunshots in his back, rescued
from the ocean. Alternately James Bond, 007 with a license to kill, is absolutely conscience-free
allowing him to enjoy the pleasures of life; which he does from time to time in his spare time. One of
the most remembered lines to fans comes from, The Spy Who Loved Me in which Sir Roger Moore
takes the role of 007; after rescuing and escaping with Soviet KGB agent named Anya in an escapepod into the ocean. Thinking they have some time before being found, they begin to, shall we
say,relax. Shortly, they are picked up by a rescue submarine carrying both of their bosses onboard.
After seeing the two agents positions, M (a male at the time) says exasperatedly, 007! to which
General Gogol, her boss, exclaims, Triple X! followed by the Minister of Defense asking, Bond!
What do you think youre doing?! James Bond, with his smooth, British-one-liner-double-entendresense-of-humor, states in a rather matter-of-a-fact sort of way, Keeping the British end up, sir then
shuts the blinds.
From this we know several things James Bond is, which Jason Bourne is not. Smooth, rather
humorous and possibly the next prime candidate for a sex addicts anonymous course class
president. Bond is a womanizer. In contrast Bourne is a reserved, vulnerable, direct, forceful yet

honest man with an edge, devoted to his murdered girlfriend Marie, and tortured by his own past.
Spending his time in solitude, there is no time for mingling at gatherings like Bond, who always proud
to introduce himself in his signature, The names BondJames Bond sort of way. Bourne has
countless aliases and doesnt even know his real name until the climax of the third movie, The
Bourne Ultimatum.
While both characters kill, and have authority to do so, only Bourne shows remorse for it. Bourne will
go undercover to the point of staying at hole-in-the-wall-dives when he needs a rest, so that no one
knows who he is or where hes been. Bond however, stays in four-star hotels, playing the casinos,
driving sleek sport cars equipped with gadgets, always dressed for luxurious nights in his tuxedo,
partaking in a nice vodka martini, shaken not stirred. Further differences appear in their enemies.
Bonds enemies almost always seem a little mad-scientist-crazy and attempt world domination.
Bournes are C.I.A. bigwigs trying to silence him so they dont have to spend some well-earned time
in prison for their corrupt actions.
Lastly in the comparison the question, Would Bond or Bourne win in a fight? is asked. The answer
really depends on the response, Which Bond? Since six actors have portrayed him in their own
interpretation and style, this must be considered extensively. According to current Bond actor, Daniel
Craig, the Austin Powers franchise ruined the spy genre. He believes that they were forced to take a
different direction with the latest films because of it; Don't get me wrong, I'm up for gags, as long as
the gag works. But the problem is that Austin Powers screwed everything up. He exploded the genre
(The Daily Express). So with Craig at the helm, Bond is made more realistic and grittier as well as far
closer to human. Daniel Craig vs. Matt Damon, both similar in build and aggressive-free-for-all-apestyle fighting, would prove to be a challenge. But we all know that Bond would come out on top, with
a nice quip ready against his challenger, the amnesiac.
Cue the Bond Theme.

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