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Close Reading Activity

Runner Robert Newton

Read the following passages in your group and answer the following questions.
(Page2) At the gate I turned right into Cubitt Street..The street was my classroom
now and I was a student eager to learn (page 4)
1. Explain what is meant by the line Let me tell you, I was no stranger to the cold,
but neither were we friends. It paid little to be on speaking terms with such a
2. What impression do you get of Charlies family circumstances and the other
people living in Richmond at the time? How do you know this? Provide specific
3. What is meant by the last line of the passage The street was my classroom now
and I was a student eager to learn? What are some of the lessons Charlie learns
on the streets?
(Page 26) Did ya not understand it, Ma? Read it again.I tell you, I got so confused
sometimes I didnt know who it was I was supposed to be(page 28)
1. What impression do we get of Charlies mother and her decision not to allow her
son to work for Squizzy?
2. Discuss in your group Charlies dream of the house with the pink walls? Why is
this significant? Why has the author included this information?
3. Why were the poor denied the luxury of grieving (p.28)?
4. Read the paragraph on p.28 On the 28th of February..who it was I was supposed
to be.
Explain what this paragraph means about Charlie.
(Page 146) In every persons life, there come moments that define who you are
minuscule moments..Sitting there surrounded by white walls and hospital smells, it
reminded me of the time my father was sick. It was the waiting that was the worst
(page 152).
1. What does Charlie mean by In every persons life, there come moments that
define who you are miniscule moments where youre called upon to act (p.146)
How did this moment in Charlies life define who he was? What did it tell us
about him? Was his decision not to intervene in the Barlow group attack on
Nostrils, something to be ashamed of?
2. What impression do we get of Nostrils? Barlow? And Charlie? in this scene?
Discuss as a group and write a paragraph on each character, using at least 3
adjectives to describe each character. Provide direct references from the text to
support what you say.
(Page 214) start of chapter 23 to I reckon I got a bit to make up for. (p. 216)
1. Why didnt Charlie buy the wood yard on his own? Do you think Hes got a bit to
make up for? Why/why not?

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