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Exhibit D1 Email Exchange Between Moses and Foster Regarding Damaged Yard Moses, Chris From: Kristin Moses [niterk _mt: Saturday, October 08, 2005 2:09 PM To: Moses, Chris. ‘Subject: FW: Web Form Submission from Traton Homes Contact Us Page by CHRIS MOSES LOT... From: ‘Mases, Cris” ‘To: ‘Subject: FW: Web Form Submission trom Traton Homes Contact Us Page by CHI S MOSES LOT... Date: Wed, 14 Sap 2005 15:48:28 -0400 -—~-Original Message— ‘Subject: Re: Web Form Submission from Traton Homes Contact Us Page by CHRI S MOSES LOT... ‘My comments have been added below yours. ‘ina message dated 9/14/2005 10:50:46 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: Tis, /ou have sent this and other e-mails recenty to several people at Traton Homes. ‘This was not sent to me, however was forwarded to me and | wah to respond ax folows. Referencing 45 day and 11 month lsues, your 45 day lit was complated by our records, and your 11 month lit waa, by our ‘cetmation, completed except for the lmaue with your yard ‘This is Incorrect. I never signed forthe window on the 45 day period please check your documentation. Additonal, 1 didnot sign off on my 11 month \walk through, nor did you check with me to see f everything was completed. Instead when I raed a concern to Exc, he stated that everything was ‘completed, This would be hard for him to gauge since he did nat walkthrough the house with me or my wife. If you would lke to go through memory lane, Eric had asked me to signoff on the lems without them being fixed and stated that he would come back. 1 did not sign, and he didnot come ‘back. Sounds lke a shady business practice, ‘Upon further {Investigation wth Diane Sattertield whom you spoke with YESTERDAY, you ‘edchionally referenced only one other lua, thet belng a window thet does ‘a operate propery. “This was on the 45 day and 11 month lst. I may not be a professional contractor, but Ido Inow when a window does not stay open. Upon investigation wth our fel personnel, they ‘were aware that you recent brought the window laaue up again and have ‘contacted you and are waltg on you to approve a time for us to come and Sok attend. (Tine was le oh our 4 yl an was led at ‘a Ror Efe have contacted me with a time to come by and put a spring int. have left numerous messages and you nor Eric will retum my phone als. Thave a staf of 10 associates, a revolving door of relatives and vistors, as well s a housacleaner- Surely, one of these people can be around ‘when you return my phone cal. 10/10/2005 As for your yard issue, simply stated, Traton Homes has xed your corner many times in the past due tothe fact that it seamed reasonable 1 assume thatthe developers large equioment wails ran over your curb and placed a rut lo your grasa. ‘This did not happen in this test instance, as developer activity in the area is completed, and we do “at fool we are lable for rapa from minor tie tracks caused by chy _ fie on a comer et. have witnesses as well as me who have seen your tralers drive trough the yard. Also, yoU are not standing on the comer watching the trucks ail doy, please explain how you would know where they have turned around. ‘The yard was drfven over on the dy that you had fed i. Thad discussed this with Diane the day lt happened, three days later, a week later, two weeks later, and then delivered the destroyed sod to you. We frankly consider the currant tre tracks |homecwner maintenance not Traton Homes warranty. Furthermore, the recent damage and subsequent repairs to your front yard grassed areas was nat done by Traton, but rather by a publi uty company. Let's be honest here. If the public uity company did not dig up my yard you could not sell the houses you are bulking. The yard was dug up to give services to the new homes. Since this is part ofthe construction process this is your responsibity. We baieve their ropair was proper, however, Hf you do not, your avenue for “rele” on this ase as a homeowner In Georgia isto contact the Public Service Commision and fie a complaint with them. Traton Homes would further recommend that you mow and edge te area in question, and your “problem” wll go away with minor homeowner maintenance. The exige Is missing 2 inches of sod. 1 am under the assumption that you are aware that you had caused the damage based on the fact that the HOA has, stayed cear of me on this isu. [Rcrabalgg is putatie won court, that signage ard graft lea violation of HOA rules and regulations. 1's not a violation to mark the areas ofthe yard that need to be Kdentied as repalrs, electrical nes or pipes. [ful belleve the HOA and Traton would know this based on the fact that there always Seems to be palnt on my yard as well as the sidewalk. Would this paint be part of the c's doing or would be a neceasty to bulld more houses? 1 rou strongly avis you tortan Wom spray paring words on your grass ete ‘ete wilbe paced you waranty ator ue renee, Flick Foster Lets be honest here, There are additonal ems on my 11 month walkthrough that You nor Eric have glven me firm documentation on, the mokdings In the dining room, and the painting. You have Ignored with me, argued me, and Wied to your employer. The cost to fx the grass and the window is minimal, Thave been kind enough to agree to have someone do the palnting and possibly put in the molding when the downstairs is repelnted. Your buicing of houses in an area where houses were not supposed to go when I bought mine have damaged i. Your lack of communication and negative athude have frustrated me and my wife. shall expect you to ffx the yard, the window and have someone besides Eric complete the 11 month walk through, let me suggest Rick. Once these are Jdone, I 90 away quietly, otherwise we (you, me, traton, the neighborhood, and potential buyers) wil have 2 long drewn out bad marriage. 10/10/2005

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