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Gullivers Travels

Narrator: Once upon a time in England, there lived a man called Gulliver. He
dreamed of sailing the ocean and seeing all the wonders of the world.
Gulliver: Oh.. how I long to spend my life traveling and seeing distant lands!
The ocean looks so inviting today! Ahhhhh
Narrator: As he watched the sunlight sparkle on the surface of the waves,
and saw the silver dolphins darting through the water, He knew that to sail
upon those waves made him the happiest man on earth.
Gulliver: The ocean calls to me
Narrator: One night, there was a storm at sea.
Sailors: (roooarsss) Everyone, watch out! Heeeeelp!!!
Gulliver: oh.. is this how I shall meet my untimely demise??? Uhh..
(birds squawking) *island*
Gulliver: uh uh. Where am i is this.. heaven? Wha..What? What are you
doing ha ha ha!!! That tickles! ahahaha! Stop.. stop that ha ha!!!
Mass: *chattt*
Gulliver: Oh.. oh.. uh.. what are these? Theyre tiny!
Liliputian: Careful! the living mountain has awoken!!! Oh, oh, ohhhhH!!!
Mass: chattt
Narrator: Lifting his head for a better look, Gulliver was amazed to see
countless tiny people climbing all over his body.
Gulliver: What are you! Let me go!!! Ughhh
Narrator: They would not respond, and Gulliver was unable to get away from

Liliputian: *whistles* Attention! We will bring this living mountain to the king
at once!
Mass: one, two, hyah! One, two, hyah!
Gulliver: err.. hey! What are you doing? Uh,,,
Liliputian: I apologize for keeping you restrained, but we have no way of
knowing your intentions in coming to our kingdom. If you come in peace, you
shall be set free. Make way, all let us through! Make way! Make way! Let us
through now, make way!
Narrator: When Gulliver was brought into the capital city, he could see the
entire population of Liliput in the streets, jostling to get a better look at him.
He could hear them commenting about him.
Liliput boy: Look how enormous he is! Why his little finger is bigger than me!
Liliput gramps: How much do you think Id have to eat to grow so big? Hm..
what do you think?
Liliput uncle: He must eat entire armies for breakfast Hahahaha
All liliput: sHahahaha
Liliput assistant: You must ignore the peoples jests. We have never seen
anything quite like you before.
Narrator: at that instant, a fanfare sounded, and the king appeared.
King Liliput: Haha! Oh well, greetings, giant. I am the king of Liliput.
Gulliver: good morrow, your majesty. My name is Gulliver. Forgive me for not
saluting you properly, but as you see I am tied up.
King: Oh no, you do not appear particularly evil to me.
Assistant: Should I release him? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight,

Gulliver: What was that for?

All: We will see if he is dangerous or not...
King: Hahahaha. Excellent! Release the living mountain at once!
Narrator: Gulliver was thrilled to hear that the king was setting him free.
All: ohhhh! Hes so tall!!
Gulliver: how could you be sure I wasnt dangerous?
King: Ah, I have a very efficient method for determining character. If I jump
over a rope an odd number of times, you are good, an even number and you
are bad. hahaha
Gulliver: uh.. How.. Interesting... Hahaha..
Narrator: Gulliver thought that sounded rather funny. But as the king looked
so confident and the method has turned out so beneficially for him, he did
not want to argue. The liliputians let gulliver stay in a large, ruined temple. It
was the only place in town that was big enough for him to sleep in.
From that day on, the liliputians were very kind and welcoming to him. They
brought him large amount of delicious food every day, and even measured
him for a new outfit.
Chef: you do have a mighty apetite, gulliver.
Gulliver: your dishes are all so tiny! I have to eat hundreds of them to satisfy
my hunger!
Tailor: it's all due to his monumental size. Look, my tape measure isnt long
enough to measure him!
Gulliver: hahaha, hey! that tickles! haha
Narrator: one day, disaster struck..
All: fire! Fire! The palace is burning! We must save the queen! Help!
Narrator: Gulliver was awakened by the screams and rushed to help. He
came up with an unusual way to put out the fire immediately..
*Gulliver urinates* (sound of water)
All: hurray for Gulliver! He has saved the queen!
Narrator: the liliputians cheered and applauded and the king thanked him for

his resourcefulness.. The queen however was less pleased.

Queen: uhm, ah, I would have preferred a more traditional approach...
Gulliver: forgive me your majesty, it was the fastest way to stop the fire.
Queen: (malanding boses) uhm, very well, thank you for rescuing me.
Gulliver: (scratches head) uh.. haha
Narrator: the day when Gullivers new clothes were completed was a
celebration for all of liliput. All the liliputians gathered in the street to see
him in the new outfit that they had made together with their own hands!
Crowd: Hurray!! Gulliver!!!
Gulliver: thank you, good people of liliput! haha
Narrator: they did not have any fabric big enough for him, so the entire thing
was pieced together out of different fabrics. It did not look particularly
elegant, but Gulliver was touched by their care and generosity.
People: oh no! help!!!
Narrator: Suddenly, a cannon blast rent the air! the neighboring kingdom had
brought over its fleet to invade liliput.
All: oh what misfortune has befallen us! War! Oh no! theyre attacking!!!
King: have courage, my people! We must stand and defend our homeland!
Follow me into battle! We can do this together! Stick together!
Narrator: the king attempted to rally the liliputians, but they were so
frightened that they wouldnt stop yelling. Seeing the situation, Gulliver
came came up with a plan.
(sound of water)(bombs)
Narrator: Gulliver waded out into the sea and began to grab the invaders'
ships one by one and toss them aside.
Enemy: retreat!!!! Retreat!!!! Let's fall back! Retreat! Retreat at once!
Gulliver: (laughs)
All: Gulliver has saved us from the invaders! Youre a hero Gulliver!!
King: you have our eternal gratitude for saving our country.

Queen: ah, yes thank you! (kisses)

King: to reward you for your heroic act, I will grant you any wish you may
Narrator: Gulliver considered for a moment, trying to decide what he really
Gulliver: please build me a ship large enough to sail home!
Narrator: Gulliver wished he could stay with the friendly liliputians forever,
but there were so many more lands to see and adventures to experience.
All: farewell, Gulliver! Thank you for saving us! We will never forget you!
Gulliver: Goodbye! Good luck to all of you! May liliput prosper and thrive!
Narrator: Gulliver knew that he would always remember the people of liliput.

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