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Daniel Belton

MW 9:30

English 1101x

Critical Inquiry Paper

I believe the theory purposed by Anyon in her essay is well supported by her research.
Anyons theory that students educational experience differs on the overall income of the
parents of the kids who attend that school. The essay shows that some kids are asked more of
in class depending on that school. The research group interviewed teachers and children they
even watched teachers in class to see how they treated the student. She classified the school
some were called middle class schools and some were classified if the parents’ average income
was over a hundred thousand dollars. I have experienced this theory first hand, in elementary
school I went to a school were a lot was asked of me. We moved at a very fast pace we were
treated as though we handle anything that the teacher threw at us. But in middle school and in
high school I went to a school where most of the kids could not pay for their own lunches. The
school struggled to keep kids in class, in these schools we moved at a slow pace. They treated
the kids as though they expect them to screw up it’s a matter of when not if. I could see that
this effected some of the students, some students acted out in class for no reason. The students
would try to get on the teachers nerve because they knew that if they did there was a good
chance she might give up on teaching us. Some teachers did give up in my time of high school I
had well over five of my teachers quit midyear because they could not handle the classroom
behavior on a daily basis. Once the teacher had quit the students would feel as though they had
won because most likely the school could not hire a full time teacher quick enough. Once the
full time teacher got there, they would not want to force the kids to do work because of fear of
provoking the students. This too would affect the mindset of the students, they would feel as
though the school is just wanting them to get out not to learn anything. Another fact that
affected the children at my school is that each school had a overwhelming populous of children
at my high school we had over two thousand five hundred kids from my sophomore year till my
senior year. On average we had close to thirty kids per teacher this made teaching almost
impossible for the teachers. The teachers were asked to help ever student but with the student
to teacher ratio at thirty to one there was just not enough time in the day for one teacher to
help that many kids. In my conclusion I would say that Anyon’s theory is true in most school in
America today. I am sadden to say that it will most likely will not change in the near future, will
laws like no child left behind teachers feel a even greater pressure to pass kids even if they do
not meet the academic standard.

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