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Battle Story

**Number students in groups of 1 and 2**

It wasnt long ago when there was a devastating earthquake that occurred in
room 24 at Wilma Hansen School. Everyone was confused as to what was
going on.
Once this earthquake occurred it created a trench in the classroom splitting
the class in half
Just the other day they were all friends and things seemed as though nothing
could go wrong.
With a blink of an eye everything changed and we started to see each side
band together to win over both sides.
If you were assigned with the number one you will be on the left if you were
assigned a number two you will be on the right. (Please move to you sides)
Each side was happy with each other.
The next day each group at given themselves names. Group 1 named
themselves the negative numbers where Group 2 named themselves the
positive numbers
As days past we started to see less worry about crossing into the trench.
As time moved on we noticed that one negative number adventured into the
trench. When the reset of the negative numbers noticed 3 more went into
the trench. Worried about their partner who was all by himself and told the
lone negative number we should join and adventure together, we are
stronger that way So we saw (-1) + (-3).
As days passed the positive numbers noticed that the negative numbers had
entered the trench this worried them. The next day we saw 2 positive
numbers adventure into the trench together.
When they got into the trench the negative numbers and positive numbers
were not happy to see each other. Using their stun guns, the negative and
positive numbers stun each other one for one.
Freeze: Who won the battle in the trench? Who had more troops in
the trench?
The next day we see the last battle occur between either side all the troops
form either side that we left over from the first battle entered the trench and
again stun each other one for one.
Freeze: How many troops are left on either side?

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