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Bora Kim or famously known as YellOwStaR, is a 24-year-old male and he is a

professional esports player. Bora Kim was born on February 15, 1992 in France and the first time
he ever played a game was on the Megadrive, at two years old. When he was 8 years old, he got
into PC gaming, playing StarCraft, and it was then that he really stuck to the RTS genre. In 2002
he moved onto WarCraft 3 because his brother urged him to play. After 3 years he started the
serious competition and named himself Psyko, to remain anonymous during his early days.
When he first started he was an Undead player but shortly changed to the Night Elf through his
WC3 career. In 2009, his brother introduced him to League of Legends and that has been his
game ever since. Now a days he is known as Yellowstar who is a veteran of the professional
esports known for playing League of Legends. While many of his previous teammates entered
early retirement Yellowstar plays on to become the best professional player around.
Bora plays in the Fnatic, a professional esports organization headquartered in London,
and his job in his team is to be the intelligent director of the symphony. He was a leader either in
the game or out and built up his team into the focused fighting force we know and love. He uses
the criticism to help him improve his work ethics to push himself even further. He is very
optimistic when it seems hopeless, and even after being defeated he remains in high spirits. He
applauds to those in victory. Bora always pushes his teammates to their limits and because of that
his team has flourished. He can also adapt very quickly in games, and he help others adapt with

Work Cited
"Fnatic - A Profesional Gaming Team." FNATICcom RSS. Web. 10 Apr. 2016.
"YellOwStaR." - Leaguepedia. Web. 10 Apr. 2016.

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