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BEEBEEP (Secure Lan Messanger)

BeeBEEP 1.0.1 (bug fixes release)

- Fixed notification bug with "always on top" option active
- More "image format type" added for profile pitcure
- Fixed tonality in second color in Avatar creation
BeeBEEP 1.0.0
- Only an instance of BeeBEEP can started a time (can be changed in beebeep.rc f
- Send message button
- Default avatar created for the users
- Message filter in chat
- Default Listener, File Transfer and Broadcast port can be set in beebeep.rc fi
- Chat settings menu is moved to chat toolbar
- System tray icon is now always visible (context menu with settings is added)
BeeBEEP 0.9.9
- Improved subnet selection when there are many network cards installed
- HotKeys CTRL+A and CTRL+C (CMD+ for mac users) enabled in chat window read-onl
y section
- Show avatar in list of users option
- Status menu icon shows your information when clicked (menu is accessible by th
e usual way, the drop down arrow)
BeeBEEP 0.9.8
- Language interface added
- More info in profile
- MacOSX version
- eComStation and OS/2 version
- High dpi support for screenshot plugin
BeeBEEP 0.9.7
- Clear chat messages option
- Encryption security level 2
- Removed the limit on the number of files can be shared
- Groups
- Regular-Bold Text Marker plugin
- (Drag and) drop files in chat or in local shares
- Linux version
BeeBEEP 0.9.6
- Auto set Away status when idle option
- Make screenshot plugin
- Conway's Game of Life plugin (just for fun)
- Link saved chat using only nickname option
BeeBEEP 0.9.5
- Load minimized at startup option
- A new window to see application log
- Save chat messages on exit option
- BeeTetris plugin added, just for fun
- Disable notification in tray option
- Improved group chat
BeeBEEP 0.9.4
- Use default password without prompt at startup
- RC file created to let the user choose Native or INI configuration file

BeeBEEP 0.9.3
- Group chat
- Put window on top when a new message arrive option
- Automatic start on windows boot option
BeeBEEP 0.9.2
- Minimize on System Tray is now Close on System Tray
- Always on top window option
- Select file audio option
- Game plugin interface
BeeBEEP 0.8.2
- File Sharing on local area network
- Minimize on System Tray option
BeeBEEP 0.6.2
- Number Encoder Text Marker plugin
- File BeeHost.ini to reach custom networks
BeeBEEP 0.5.2
- File Transfer improved
- Plugin support enabled
- vCard (profile)
- HTML code in messages
- Rainbow Text Marker plugin
- Clickable url and email links

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