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Entry Level



Quickwrite: How does

multiple interpretations
contribute to a single
piece of writing?
Webercise: Evaluate the
significance of multiple
interpretations for "A
Dream within a Dream"
invoking various emotions
and translations.
Guided Notes: Discuss
the history of
interpretations, the
significance of choosing
the best form of
interpretation, the pros
and cons to multiple
Quiz: Describing the
different forms of
interpretations as well as
giving an example of each
Class discussion:
Analyzing the
interpretations of a writing
as a class and creating a
healthy debate about
which form of
interpretations suits the
writing the best.
Essay writing: Students
will write a 3-4 page paper
about a writing of their
choice that has been
interpreted in multiple
forms. The student will
analyze whether or not
the interpretations were
successful in contributing
to the original work.
Group Presentations:

Students will work in

teams of 3 to create an
interpretation of a famous
writing of their choice by
using one of the
interpretation forms. Not
only will students create
the interpretation and
present it for the class,
but they will also provide
a written 1-2 page
analysis of why they made
certain choices in their

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