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Nature and Ruler-ship of Planets

Planets: Planets are large moving bodies in the universe. Ancient

sages saw a relationship between movement of planets and
happenings in the lives of human beings. Vishnu has incarnated
as navagrahas or planets to bestow on living beings the results of
their Karmas.
Vedic astrology considers 7 planets (Grahas) and 2 Nodes
(chayagrahas). Planets are Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter,
Venus and Saturn. Rahu and Ketu are not planets but Nodes or
the intersecting points between the orbits of Sun and Moon in
relation to the Earth. Rahu is the ascending node while Ketu is
descending node.
Vedic astrology does not use the out planets viz. Uranus, Neptune
and Pluto, which are used by western astrologers.
Governance: Sun governs soul, Moon mind, Mars strength,
Mercury speech, Jupiter knowledge and happiness, Venus semen
and Saturn sorrow.
Planetary Cabinet: Sun and Moon are considered Royal Planets.
Sun being treated like King and Moon like queen. Mars is the
Army Chief and Mercury the prince. Jupiter and Venus are
Ministers whereas Saturn is the servant; Rahu and Ketu are
soldiers of the army.
Basic nature: Moon (waxing-shukla paksha), Mercury, Jupiter and
Venus are basically benefic. Sun, Moon (waning-krishna paksha),
Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are malefic by nature. Functional
nature of each will depend on the houses rued by them, which in
turn depend on the Asc or Lagna of the native.

Functional Nature: Planets ruling Trines (1,5,9) are always

Benefic. Planets ruling Trishadayas, malefic houses (3,6,11) are
always Malefic. Planets ruling Kendras (4,7,10) reverse their basic
nature i.e. Benefic turn Malefic and vise-a-versa. Planets like
Venus and Jupiter become highly malefic when owning Kendras
(Kendradhipati dosha). It is said in Laghu Parashari, if I
remember right; that Guru and Venus give bad results when
owning Kendra with Venus being more
Rulers of 8th and 12th house have the malefic qualities of being
dushthana lords. 12th house however is considered weak and
hence some consider this lordship to be neutral. 2nd lord is also
considered as neutral.
Neutrality needs to be qualified here! BPHS states that these
planets give effects as per their association or according to the
second house lordship. If the second house owned is malefic e.g.
3, 6 or 11, the planet becomes more malefic. On the other hand if
it is 1, 5 or 9, it is more benefic.
This however may be truer for lords of 2 and 12, houses, which do
not have strength of their own. Stronger of the 2 lordship
obstructs the weaker and gives its own effect. Lordship of 8th
however appears to carry its dosha even if the other house
ownership is benefic! A malefic planet with Kendra and 8th
lordship will continue to be a functional malefic and with trine and
8th lordship will at best be sama.
Sun and Moon are exceptions, they do not attract 8th house
lordship dosha. If lords of 8th they would function more as per
their association.
Cancellation of Kendradhipati Dosha: if the Kendra lord is

associated with a lord of trine the dosha gets cancelled.

Association could be by lording a trine house (including lagna,
which is considered a trine), joining a trine or a trine lord, has
sambandha with a trine lord. It is also cancelled if the planet is its
own house. The placement of Natural benefics in quadrants
removes the blemish of kendradhipatya dosha...SR
Yogakarka: YK planets are capable of producing auspicious
results. Planet that rules a quadrant and a trine at the same time
also qualifies to be a YK. 1st house is a tine as well as a quadrant
and hence lagna lord is a natural Yogakarka.
Trine lord combining Yoga karaka also gets a status as yoga
karaka, notwithstanding its status as 8th lord. Inimical planet also
gets status of Yoga karaka having sambandha with trine lords, by
aspect, and placed in a quadrant.
Rulership: Sun and Moon rule one Rasi each, whereas the other 5
planets rule 2 rasis each. Sun rules Leo, Moon rules Cancer,
Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo, Mars rules Aries and Scorpio,
Jupiter rules Sagittarius and Pisces, Venus rules Taurus and Libra
and Saturn Capricorn and Aquarius.
Some consider Rahu to be the co-lord of Aquarius and Ketu the
co-lord of Scorpio. Some authorities consider Rahu as co-lord of
Libra and Ketu as co-lord of Pisces.
Movements: Sun and Moon have only direct movements whereas
the nodes Rahu and Ketu have only Retrograde movement.
Others viz: Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Venus would have both the
Retrograde means backward movement. Planets actually do not
move backwards, they only appear to be doing so when seen

from Earth. This therefore does not apply to Sun around which the
earth is moving in uni-direction and Moon, which is moving
around the Earth also in uni-direction.
Sex of Planets: Sun, Mars and Jupiter are considered Male, Moon
and Venus are considered Female whereas Saturn and Mercury
are considered Neutral.
Abodes: Sun signifies places of worships or temples. Moon watery
places like lakes, ponds, rivers etc, Mars fire places like kitchen,
Mercury sports grounds, Jupiter treasures, and Venus signifies
places of sexual pleasures like bedroom and Saturn filthy places.
Gunas: Sun, Moon and Jupiter have Satwik gunas, Mars and Venus
have Rajsik gunas and Mercury and Saturn have Tamasik gunas.
Strength of planets in a natives chart will reflect the qualities of
the person.
Planetary Castes: Jupiter and Venus are Brahmins, Sun and Mars
are Kshatriya, Moon and Mercury are Vaishya and Saturn belongs
to Shudra Caste/ Varna.
Tatva: Planets are also associated with different tatvas. Sun and
Mars signify Fire or Agni, Moon and Venus Jala, Mercury Bhumi,
Jupiter Sky and Saturn Vayu. Sky covers all the four tatvas.
Complexion: Different planets symbolize different colors. Sun
symbolizes Raktashyama i.e. red with black or Dark tint, Mars
Kujo rakto i.e. blood red, Moon Tawny or fair complexion,
Mercury green, Jupiter Tawny yellow, Venus variegated mix of
yellow and green, Saturn dark, Rahu black and Ketu variegated.
Physical Characteristics: Natives with Suns influence on Lagna
will be squarish, not too tall, honey colored eyes and limited hair.

Moon will have round face, beautiful eyes, and curly and short
hair. Mars will have strong physique, red eyes and thin shining
hair. Mercury will have an attractive physique. Jupiter will have
large body, broad chest and big belly, honey eyes and hair. Venus
has charming features, long hands, symmetrical limbs, beautiful,
brilliant and broad eyes and curly hair. Saturn represents
emaciated and long body, prominent veins, long nails, blackish
color, depressed eyes and coarse hair.
Personality: Suns influence on personality makes the native
manly, intelligent, sharp mind and clean habits. Moon makes a
person fickle minded and lustful. Mars is cruel, stands for
strength, courage stamina and passion. Mercury is diplomatic,
humorous and learned. Jupiter is knowledge and happiness,
Venus is joyous, beautiful, poetic and intelligent and Saturn is
indolent and lame if strong it can be mystic and philosophical.
Speech/ Voice: Sun signifies Majestic voice, Moon sweet and soft,
Mars forceful and clear, Mercury sweet, witty and clear and Jupiter
Body Ingredients: Sun controls Bones, Moon blood, Mars Marrow,
Mercury skin, Jupiter fat, Venus semen and Saturn muscles. Any
affliction of a planet may reflect in corresponding affliction on the
natives body.
Body Components: Sun and Mars represent Pitta, Jupiter and
Venus Kalpha, Moon and Saturn Vata and Mercury represents all
three. Afflictions would indicate the kind of illness and may help
in recommending remedies.
Periods: Planets are also associated with different periods. Saturn
with Varsha, Sun with Ayna (half year), Mercury with Ritu (2
months), Jupiter Masa (month), Venus Paksha (15 days), Mars a

day, Moon muhurta (48 minutes) and also Kshana (second), Rahu
8 months and Ketu 3 months. These periods are used to predict
fructifications of events within a time span.
Seasons: There are six seasons in a year each of 2 months. Sun
and Mars are associated with Greeshma, Moon with Varsha,
Mercury Sharad, Jupiter Hemant, Venus Basant and Saturn with
Incarnations: Rama is the incarnation of Sun, Krishna of Moon,
Narasimha of Mars, Buddha of Mercury, Vamana of Jupiter,
Parshurama that of Venus, Koorma of Saturn, Varaha of Rahu and
Meena that of Ketu.
Balas (strength): There are six most important Balas of Planets.
These are Sthana Bala, Dig bala, Chesta Bala, Kala Bala and Drik
Bala and Naisargikabala. Planets acquiring these Balas are
considered powerful, absence of strength renders them weak.
Planet acquiring strength from all four, posited in 5th produces
sampoorna (par excellence) results.
Sthana Balas: This is the positional strength, which a planet gets
as a result of occupying a particular house/Rashi in a horoscope.
A planet gets sthanabala in its exaltation, own house, mooltrikona
friendly house and swa-shadvargas. Details of exaltation,
mooltrikona and debilitation are given below.
Directional Strengths (Dig Bala): Mercury and Jupiter are strong in
the East (1st), Sun and Mars in South (10th house), Venus and
Moon in North (4th) and Saturn in West (7th).
These indicate the direction taken by one in ones life.
Kala Balas: Moon, mars and Saturn are strong in nighttime
whereas Sun, Jupiter and Venus are strong during daytime.

Mercury is always strong.

Natural Malefics are strong during Krishna paksha and natural
benefics are strong during Shukla paksha.
Mercury, Sun, Saturn, Moon, Venus and Mars are powerful at
sunrise, noon, evening, first part of night, midnight and last part
of night respectively. Jupiter is always strong. Planets are also
powerful on their weekdays, months and years.
Chesta Balas (Motional Strength): Natural malefics are strong in
Dakshina ayena (Suns transit from Capricorn to Gemini) whereas
natural benefics are strong during Uttara ayena (Suns transit
from Cancer to Sagittarius).
Drik Bala: It is the strength reckoned as a result of aspects.
Benefic aspects give full drigbala and aspects of malefics take
away the bala.
Naisargika Bala (Natural strength): Sun, Moon, Venus, Jupiter,
Mercury, Mars and Saturn in that order. Sun is most powerful and
Saturn least powerful.
Strength based on placement in Navamsa, Navamshesh:
Similarly the Navamshesh of a planet posited in a bhava also
influences the results of a planet. Individual planets derive their
strength from their position in Navamsha Chandrashekharji
Dwelling Places: Sun, Mars and Saturn live in mountains and
forests, moon and Venus in watery places and Jupiter in villages
(seats of learned men). Rahu and Ketu also live in mountains and
Tastes: Planets are associated with different tastes too. Sun has

pungent, Moon saline, Mars bitter, Mercury mixed, Jupiter sweet,

Venus acidulous and Saturn astringent.

Karkas, aspects and planetary relationships

Karakas: Each planet signifies various things. Planets have sthira
karkas (fixed significations), Naisargika karkas (natural
significations) and Chara Karkas (temporary significations).
Sthira Karkas are used for longevity or survival of the physical
bodies, presided by Shiva and used for timing of death of
relatives. Nodes are without physical bodies and hence are not
included. These karkas are as below:
Sun: Father*
Moon: Mother**
Mars: Younger sibling, spouses of siblings (brother-in-law, sisterin-law)
Mercury: Maternal Uncles and aunts, (Mother**),
Jupiter: Children, Son, Husband (for females), Paternal grand
parents, other paternal relatives (uncles and aunts)
Venus: Wife***, Sister, Daughter, father-in-law, mother-in-law,
maternal grand parents, (Father*)
Saturn: Elder brother****, other elders
*Some scholars believe Sun to be Karka for father for daytime
births and Venus for nighttime births. Jaimini uses stronger of Sun
and Venus to determine longevity of the father.
**Moon as Karka for mother for nighttime births and Mars for
daytime births. Jaimini associates blood represented by Mars to
relationship with mother.
***Some consider Jupiter as Karka for spouse even for male

****Some scholars consider Saturn as Karka for children instead

of elder siblings.
Naisargika Karkas: Natural significations are used for general
Phalita jyotish. Houses too have their significations. Following
table describes the significations for planets and houses in a
matrix format. Sthira Karkas too are included so as to show their
association with respective houses.
Sun: 1(self, soul, health), 5 (fame, power, paternal grandfather), 9
(father, boss), 10(career, achievement), 12(paternal
Moon: 1(mind), 4(mother and peace of mind), 7(maternal
grandmother, 11(friends), 12(maternal grandfather, sleep)
Mars: 3 (courage and siblings), 4 (land, real estate), 5(nyaya
shashtra, speculation), 6(enemies, diseases, accidents, loans)
Mercury: 2 (speech), 3(writing), 4 (formal education, learning),
5(memory, scholarship), 6 (relatives), 7 (trade), 10(work,
achievements, honors), 11(credits)
Jupiter: 2(family, wealth), 4 (traditional learning, happiness) sukha
karka, 5(children, suns, knowledge, intelligence), 9 (dharma,
bhagya, guru, diksha), 11 (elder brother, labha), 12(donation,
Venus: 3(art), 4 (vehicles, luxuries) vahana karka, 5 (love,
affection), 7(wife, husband, relationships, 9 (long distance travel),
12(sexual/ bed pleasures, long journeys, eyesight)
Saturn: 5(followings), 6(service, servants, agriculture, physical
pain), 8(longevity, disease), 9(past life), 12(losses, punishment,

confinement, expenditure)
Rahu: 6(accidents), 8(occult, destruction of mind, ill-fame,
destruction of soul), 9(travel abroad, cause of rebirth),
12(misfortune, bad habits, secret enemies)
Ketu: 4 (home and building), 8 (occult, disease), 9 (spiritualism,
travel abroad), 12(meditation, moksha)
Chara Karkas: Temporary significators are based on longitudes of
each planet in a chart. Amongst the nodes, only Rahu is assigned
the signification. Planet with the highest longitude is Atma Karka,
next highest is Atmaya Karka and so on as per the list below.
Since Rahu moves retro its longitude needs to be deducted from
30 to check its correct advancement!
Atma Karka: Self
Atmya Karka: Ministers
Bhratru Karka: Siblings
Matru Karka: Mother
Pitri Karka: Father
Putra Karka: Children
Gnati Karka: Rivals
Dara Karka: Spouse
If 2 planets attain the same longitude, they become joint karka,
the next slot falls vacant which is to be filled in by the natural
Some consider 7 planet scheme, bring in Rahu only when 2
planets obtain same longitude. In case of 7 planet scheme,
Matrukarka and Putra karka are combined. Some consider 7
karakas as additional information.

Both Parasara and Jaimini however recommend the 8 planet

scheme of charakarka.
Aspects - Full (Purna Drishti): Graha drishti is an expression of
desires*. Drishti or sight is ability to influence/decipher the
reading of other bodies (signs or planets) stationed at certain
position from them.
All planets fully aspect 7th house. Mars additionally aspects 4 and
8th (chaturasra house) Jupiter 5th and 9th (houses that indicate
poorva punya) Saturn 3rd and 10th (upchaya houses). These are
outer planets placed at a relative height above the earth. There is
difference of opinion about Rahus aspects. Some believe that
Rahu has aspects over 7(opposite like others), 5 &9 (houses that
indicate poorva papa) and 12th (counted in reverse) or 2nd
(counted in regular order) houses. Ketu is headless and hence has
no aspects.
None of the planets can aspect 2nd or 12th house except for
Rahu who can see 2nd i.e. 12th counted in reverse.
No planets can aspect 6th or 11th since these are places of
Danda and Hara respectively. Danda stands for punishment and
Hara for removal from this planet. No planet would desire
punishment or removal from this planet. Ketu alone creates the
desire of removal from this planet and hence is Moksha Karka. It
however does not have any drishti.
*Rashi drishti, which is not covered in detail is an expression of
Exaltation/Debilitation: Planets perform well in some Rashis
because are happy or elated to be there. These signs are called
signs of exaltation. Opposite of that is debilitation. Planets are

considered to have fallen (neecha) in such Rashis. Apart from that

some Rashis are friendly or inimical for some planets.
Sun is exalted in Aries and debilitated in Libra. Moon is exalted in
Taurus and debilitated in Scorpio, Mars exalted in Capricorn and
debilitated in Cancer, Mercury exalted in Virgo and debilitated in
Pisces, Jupiter exalted in Cancer and debilitated in Capricorn,
Venus exalted in Pisces and debilitated in Virgo and Saturn is
exalted in Libra and debilitated in Aries.
Rahu is exalted in Taurus and debilitated in Sagittarius whereas
Ketu is exalted in Sagittarius and debilitated in Taurus.
Paramochha and parama nechha sthanas are as follows; these
are the points of maximum exaltation or debilitation.
Planets Ex Deb
Sun Aries (10) Libra (10)
Moon Taurus (3) Scorpio (3)
Mars Capricorn (28) Cancer (28)
Mercury Virgo (15) Pisces (15)
Jupiter Cancer (5) Capricorn (5)
Venus Pisces (27) Virgo (27)
Saturn Libra (20) Aries (20)
Houses owned by exalted planets will flourish whereas those
owned by debilitated planets will be destroyed. Planet in debility
can also ruin others conjunct with it, even if they are exalted!
However, a debilitated planet can attain neechbhanga
(cancellation of debility) if either of the following is placed in
Kendra from lagna/ moon:
Lord of sign of debility

Lord of signs opposite the sign of debility (lord of exaltation

Planet that gets exalted in the sign of debility
Debilitated planet, exalted in Navamsa
Note: There also one more thing, Moon, when in full paksha bala
(Poornima ) gives good results even if debilitated.
Mooltrikona: There is another important position (range of
degrees in a Rashi) where a planet functions well. For Sun it is 020 in Leo, Moon 0-20 Taurus, Mars 0-12 Aries, Mercury 15-20
Virgo, Jupiter 0-10 Sagittarius, Venus 0-15 Libra and Saturn it is 020 Aquarius.

Marna Karka Sthana: Following are the Marna Karka Sthanas for
various planets.
Planet MKS Naisargika Karka for houseLikely Hazards from:
Sun 12 Saturn Fire
Moon 8 Saturn Water
Mars 7 Venus Accidents, Weapons
Mercury 7 Venus Flatulence
Jupiter 3 Mars Stomach problems
Venus 6 Mars Accidents, Opposite sex
Saturn 1 Sun
Rahu 9 Jupiter Venomous bites
Ketu has no MKS.
Planets in MKS will affect the significations of houses owned by
them adversely during their dasa. These positions are capable of
causing death like suffering. When such a death inflictor is in

conjunction with or is aspected by malefic or is in debility, great

grief is sure to come.

Friendly/ Enemy Planets:

Natural (Naisargika) Relationship: From Mooltrikona sign of a
planet the 2nd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th and 12th sign is the sign of a
friendly planet and the rest i.e. 3rd, 6th, 7th, 10th and 11th are
signs of enemies. Being friend based on one set and enemy
based on another, would make a planet neutral.
Planet Friendly Enemy
Sun Moon, Mars, Jupiter Venus, Saturn
Moon Sun, Mercury
Mars Sun, Moon, Jupiter Mercury
Mercury Sun, Venus Moon
Jupiter Sun, Moon, Mars Mercury, Venus
Venus Mercury, Saturn Mars, Jupiter
Saturn Mercury, Venus Sun, Moon, Mars
Placement in Rashis ruled by friendly planets makes the
occupying planet stronger whereas in Rashis ruled by enemy
planets make the occupying planets weaker. Same is the case
when friendly or enemy planets aspect another planet.
Temporary (Tatkalik) Relationship: Planets situated in 2nd, 3rd,
4th, 10th, 11th and 12th act as mutual friends. The others act as
Compound relationship: Planets who happen to be Natural as well
as Temporary friends are extreme friends. Similarly enemies
become extreme enemies. Neutrality and friendship makes
friends whereas neutrality and enmity makes the planets enemy.

Other combinations would result into neutral relationship.

Myths associated with Naisargika relationships: Ketu (Ganesha)
treats Sun (Shiva) as enemy but Sun treats him as a friend. Story
of Ganesha guarding the dwara while his mother was taking bath
is well known.
Ketu (Ganesha) is the favorite of Moon (Gauri).
Sun and Saturn do not like each other though Saturn is Suns son.
The story of Saturn being born to Chaya who lived with Sun w/o
his knowledge shows the reason for Suns dislike for Saturn and
Saturns dislike because the father gave him up!
Sandhi: Planets in Bhava Sandhi are incapable of influencing the
houses they are placed in. Planets in Bhava Sandhi cause disease
and sorrow.
Planets in Rashi Sandhi suffer annihilation especially when the
ruling elements of the adjoining signs are inimical e.g, Fire (Aries)
and Water (Pisces). Such a sandhi is called Gandanta.
Rashi Sandhi destroys the houses lorded planets in Sandhi.
Planets in Rashi Sandhi can cause death. Rashi Sandhi generally
affects the people (Physical Bodies) indicated by the lordship of
the planet. This need not indicate destruction of other non-living
indications of the house.
Aspects by Malefics:
Saturn: It is considered one of the most malefic planets. It is
known to teach lessosn regarless of status of the native. Its
aspects on various bhavas spoil the significations of the bhava. Its
aspect on Rashi can give ailments to body parts signified by the

Saturn however stands for longevity. Its aspects can give long
life to bhavas, but if it conjoins a house, its longevity is curtailed.
Malefic Enemies in conjunction:
Malefic Enemies in conjunction or 1/7th from each other cause
trouble in the house whether they are placed. For example
following yogas are dangerous and shall harm the house where
they are placed.
Rahu-Mars etc.
Graha Yudha:
If a planet is associated with an inimical planet, planetary war
occurs and enmity increases during its dasa period. Planet with
higher longitude is victorious even if debilitated.
Grahayuddha is said to have occurred when planets occupy the
same Rasi on identical degrees. The one to the South is said to
have lost the war but Venus is said to win whether to the north or
South. There are different interpretation of what is meant by
North or South. Chandrashekharji
Dasa Periods:
Dasa means period. Ones lifetime is divided into several

periods, sub-periods, sub-sub-periods and so on. These are ruled

by different planets or rashis. Planets and Rashis give results in
their respective periods. Vimsottari is the most popular dasa
system based on Nakhshtra occupied by Moon at the time of
Under Vimsottari dasa system dasa periods of different planets
are as under:
Sun 6
Moon 10
Mars 7
Rahu 18
Jupiter 16
Saturn 19
Mercury 17
Ketu 7
Venus 20
Some of the planet related general dictums that are relevant to
dasas are mentioned below:
1. fructification of good or bad yogas and extent of such fruits are
dependent on strength of the planets.
1. sources of strength will indicate the directions from which the
results will come. Sources which are weak will show the area of
2. weak planet will diseases/decay to the house it owns.
Especially during the period of planets that cause such
3. planets affect the kendras and trine houses. Therefore during
dasa of malefic apart from the significatons of the houses of
placement significations of kendras as well as trines will suffer.
E.g. if Sturn is placed in 2nd, significations of 2 (house of

placement), 5,8,11 (kendras from 2nd) and 6, 10(trine from 2nd)

will also suffer. Unless the house is owned by Saturn.
4. significations of houses aspected by the dasa planet will also
prosper or suffer depending on benefance or maleficanc of the
planet. In the above example 4,8,11 (3,7,10th aspects) will also
suffer during the Saturn dasa.
Stones/ Gems: Ruby strengthens Sun, Pearl Moon, Coral Mars,
Emerald Mercury, Topaz Jupiter, Diamond Venus and Sapphire
Saturn. Wearing of stones or Gems is often recommended to
strengthen weak planets that have the potential to give benefic

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