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Color Therapy - Heal your body and soul with colors

Colors have been an important part of human history right since the ancient ages. Each color has its
own distinct effect. Some colors encourage excitement, whereas others make a person angry and yet
other colors give a person a feeling of peace and gratification.

From the ancient time 7 prime colors have been considered important. The 7 horses in the chariot of
God Sun, represent the 7 colors or the 7 rays of light. A rainbow also contain 7 colors. These 7 colors
are linked to the 7 chakras (energy centers) of our body. Each color is related to an individual chakra.
The weakening of an individuals energy center denotes the deficiency of that particular color in the

Click on the chakra where your ailment lies

This image represents the 7 placement of 7 chakras of your body. Each chakra connects with a zone of
the body. Click on the chakra where your ailment lies to learn how you can treat it.

Red Color Therapy - Healing for the Base Chakra

Red color is related to Base chakra of a human body. This chakra is located at the end of spinal cord.
The organs related to this Chakra are:- Kidney, bladder, hips, vertebral column , legs. The endocrine
gland related to this Center is, adrenal gland.

At the spiritual and mental level, red color is related to the individuals self-awareness. Staying aware
as a human being and maintaining your status on earth is the significance of this Chakra.

When Red Color/Base chakra is Balanced

This Chakra is the area of individuals existence. It is the area of his survival. This centre is related to
a mans basic instincts. Red color offers courage, strength, energy and power. This color is concerned
with stability and security.

When Red Color/Base chakra is Unbalanced

When the red color is in balanced in the human body, the person turns out to be courageous. He has a
passion for moving ahead in life. The person has all the qualities of leadership. He has a strong will
power, so he is not afraid to do any work. He has faith and confidence in himself. He is full of energy.
His ideas are strong and determined. He works according to his own wish.

Diseases you can Treat with Red Color

If the base center is unbalanced in human body, the following problems can occur:-piles, diarrhea,
numbness in the fingers of hand and foot, frequent urination, high blood pressure, stone formation in
kidney, constipation, colitis, impotence, problems related with hips, disorder related to feet and legs.

Red color is the last color of visible spectrum. This color is known as warm color. Red color
communicates, excitement and energy in a person to perform a task. The color helps to remove
fatigue and laziness. It is useful in controlling of low blood pressure. Helps to increase, dormant blood
circulation. Communicates energy and power.

Red color increases the blood flow in case of hypertension or high blood pressure. In such a case pink
color is used for medication. The positive aspects of red color:- boldness and courage, strength and
feeling progressing. The most negative aspects of this color:- anger, violence and cruelty.

The use of colors in home, keep the environment in equilibrium. Red color gives energy and stimulates
our feelings. This color can be used in all sort of activity rooms. Red and other colors having reddish
essence in them, are warm and comfortable for a person.

How to use Red Color for Color Healing

To integrate the powers of red color in your life, you need to include as much of it around you as
possible. Here are some tips:


Include a red colored clothing item or accessory in your attire regularly.


Keep a red colored piece of crystal or glass in your workplace, or in your home.


Use a red colored night-dress so that you may benefit from the energies while you sleep.


Use red colored bulb or night-lamp. If you dont find a red colored bulb, you can use a red
colored film to wrap around a regular white bulb.


Include red color in your home furnishing.


Visualize the red color in your head during the day.

Orange Color Therapy - Healing for the Sacral Chakra

Orange color is related to the Sacral Center. This Chakra is located in the lower portion of stomach in a
human body. This Chakra is linked to the following organs:- uterus, large bowel, prostate, ovaries and
testes. The endocrine gland related to this Chakra is ovaries and testes.

At the spiritual and mental level, yellow color is related to the individuals self-respect. This center is
related to persons own independence. The freedom, which a person owns, the same he think for
others too. This color is linked with creativity. The person gives space to creative works in his life

When Orange Color/Sacral chakra is Balanced

When orange color or Sacral Center is in equilibrium in human body, then the person is glad with
everything. He does not lack self confidence. He is full of excitement and exultation. The individual
does not like to depend on others and is self-supporting. His thoughts have creativity. Takes interest in
imaginative works.

When Orange Color/Sacral chakra is Unbalanced

If the Orange color or Sacral Center becomes weak in a person, he start depending on others. Can be
proud and likes to showoff. May have to spend his life with others support. The persons behaviour
might be destructive. The individual may be reclusive. He does not like meeting others. He may have
difficulty in communicating with others, that is, he can not interact properly.

Diseases you can Treat with Orange Color

Problems related to orange color:- problems related with menstrual flow, pre-menstrual syndrome,
Prostatic disease, testicular disease, irritable bowel syndrome, ovarian cysts, Endometriosis.

Orange color is the least liked color among all the colors. That is why, more problems are found
related to orange color or Sacral Center. But, orange color is very good. This color grows self
confidence in an individual. Gives in excitement and energy and builds passion. The color is excellent
for creative works.

Using this color inside the house, keep the environment well balanced. This color gives an individual,
enjoyment in every task and makes him social and communicative. Orange color can be used at places
where creative works are done and, high rate of actions and activities are performed.

Orange color is not suitable for the bedroom. Also, stress prone people should not be over-exposed to
orange color.

How to use Orange Color for Color Healing

To integrate the powers of orange color in your life, you need to include as much of it around you as
possible. Here are some tips:


Include a orange colored clothing item or accessory in your attire regularly.


Keep a orange colored piece of crystal or glass in your workplace, or in your home.


Use a orange colored night-dress so that you may benefit from the energies while you sleep.


Use orange colored bulb or night-lamp. If you dont find a orange colored bulb, you can use a
orange colored film to wrap around a regular white bulb.


Include orange color in your home furnishing.


Visualize the orange color in your head during the day.

Yellow Color Therapy - Healing for the Solar Chakra

Yellow color is related to Solar Plexus. This Chakra is situated below the ribs. The organs linked with
this Chakra are small intestine, stomach, liver, spleen. The endocrine gland linked to this center are

At the spiritual and mental level, yellow color is related to the individuals own evaluation. How a
person feel for himself and, what perception he has for others. This Chakra is concerned with the area
of a persons personality. A persons ego, his wisdom and understanding and assessment of his
confidence is based on this Chakra.

When Yellow Color/Solar chakra is Balanced

If yellow color, is balanced in a person, he is generous, open minded and big hearted. He will be good
natured and gentle. Will be able to convince others. Will know how to analyse things and will be
analytical. Will be intelligent. He is going to be optimistic, and he will have a depth in his words. Will
be skillful in reasoning and would be a logical person. He will be intellectual.

When Yellow Color/Solar chakra is Unbalanced

If, the Solar Plexus chakra is unbalanced in an individual, then he will be hostile. Will have a nature of
flattering others. The person may have a sense of inferiority. He might be a coward. He may try to be
cunning, show duplicity and shrewdness.

Diseases you can Treat with Yellow Color

If, a person has unbalanced amount of yellow color, then the disorders caused are:- diseases related
to liver, stones in gall bladder, diabetes, pancreatitis, peptic ulcer.

Yellow is one of the last three colors of visible rainbow. This is a warm color and has a stimulating
effect. Yellow color shows good intellectual sense and is useful in matters of education and teaching.
This color proves to be helpful at the places where concentration is required.

How to use Yellow Color for Color Healing

To integrate the powers of yellow color in your life, you need to include as much of it around you as
possible. Here are some tips:


Include a yellow colored clothing item or accessory in your attire regularly.


Keep a yellow colored piece of crystal or glass in your workplace, or in your home.


Use a yellow colored night-dress so that you may benefit from the energies while you sleep.


Use yellow colored bulb or night-lamp. If you dont find a yellow colored bulb, you can use a
yellow colored film to wrap around a regular white bulb.


Include yellow color in your home furnishing.


Visualize the yellow color in your head during the day.

Green Color Therapy - Healing for the Heart Chakra

Green color is related to a persons Heart Chakra. Organs linked to this chakra include heart and
chest. It is related to thymus gland. The chakra is concerned with unconditional love.

The important quality of this color or chakra is loving yourself. But, there is no greed in that love.
When this color or chakra is balanced in an individual then, he has the ability to love. And, by loving
others, an individual gets energy. The person loves and likes everyone either younger or elder.

When Green Color/Heart chakra is Balanced

When, there is a balance of green color in a human body, the person is kind and generous to others.
Has sympathy for everyone. Shows mercy on others, understand emotions, and create harmony with
all. The person has the ability to adapt himself as per the circumstance. He is social and loves
children, nature, animals, that is, everyone.

When Green Color/Heart chakra is Unbalanced

The negative aspects shown by a person having unbalanced amount of green color are as follows:The person shows dishonesty in matters regarding money. Tries to keep himself far from others, that
is, he will not socialize with everyone. He will show jealousy. Individual may have tendency of getting
greedy. May start rushing after money and property. The person may lack attention.

Diseases you can Treat with Green Color

Some disorders are generated in a person if green color get unbalanced. He may have heart related
problems. Diseases related to immune system can occur. Allergies can be caused. Has chances of
breast cancer.

Green color is a balanced color. This color is located in the middle of visible spectrum. The three colors
before green color are called cool color and provide peace to an individual. After green color, the
other three are called warm colors and they have great stimulating effect. Since, this color is situated
at the center, it has an effect of both warm and cold. This color maintains a balance between the two.

Whenever color therapy is used on a patient, then at the end of the therapy green color is a must for
use. It is a balanced color and is useful in removing stress. If a person has faced some shock then
wrapping green silk on his shoulder has a very good therapeutic effect on patient.

How to use Green Color for Color Healing

To integrate the powers of green color in your life, you need to include as much of it around you as
possible. Here are some tips:


Include a green colored clothing item or accessory in your attire regularly.


Keep a green colored piece of crystal or glass in your workplace, or in your home.


Use a green colored night-dress so that you may benefit from the energies while you sleep.


Use green colored bulb or night-lamp. If you dont find a green colored bulb, you can use a
green colored film to wrap around a regular white bulb.


Include green color in your home furnishing.


Visualize the green color in your head during the day.

Blue Color Therapy - Healing for the Throat Chakra

Blue color is related to the Throat Center of human body. The organs linked to this color are:- throat,
lungs, thyroid gland as the endocrine gland, digestive tracts upper portion. If a persons body has
disorders or problems related to these organs then he has a deficiency of blue color which disbalances
the Throat Center.

When Blue Color/Throat chakra is Balanced

If in a persons body blue color is balanced, then he seems to be a calm human being. He loves peace
and has a relaxed state of mind. The individual shall be tranquil and harmonious.

When Blue Color/Throat chakra is Unbalanced

When in an individual, blue color or Throat Chakra is in unbalanced state then some negative aspects
are found. He is not worth believing. Would not be trustworthy. He would be unreliable, hypocritical.
Likes to pretend and, is indifferent.

Diseases you can Treat with Blue Color

Disorders related to blue color or Throat chakra are:- thyroid, anorexia nervosa, hearing problems,
bronchitis, asthma, tonsillitis, mouth ulcer. This is caused by the unbalanced proportion of blue color
or Throat chakra in a human being.

The blue color provides peace to an individual. This color relaxes a persons body and helps in the
treatment of disease. This color denotes communication as well. Blue color can be used in rooms. But,
this is a peace loving color, so, it should not be used in physical activities and venues for sports.

How to use Blue Color for Color Healing

To integrate the powers of blue color in your life, you need to include as much of it around you as
possible. Here are some tips:


Include a blue colored clothing item or accessory in your attire regularly.


Keep a blue colored piece of crystal or glass in your workplace, or in your home.


Use a blue colored night-dress so that you may benefit from the energies while you sleep.


Use blue colored bulb or night-lamp. If you dont find a blue colored bulb, you can use a blue
colored film to wrap around a regular white bulb.


Include blue color in your home furnishing.


Visualize the blue color in your head during the day.

Indigo Color Therapy - Healing for the Brow Chakra

Indigo color is related to our Brow Centre or the third eye. This chakra is located at the exact center of
a persons forehead. The organs linked with this chakra include, eyes, lower part of the head, sinus,
and the pituitary gland.

This color is related to self responsibility. This means, to be, responsible for your life and your
existence. To know your inner soul and lead it on a good path. Have faith on your intuition or instincts.
People with the prime qualities of this color have a high capacity to identify themselves and for ego
satisfaction. This color gives the individual a distinctive quality which sets him apart from his
colleagues. People of this color are known for their unique message of instinct rather then self

When Indigo Color/Brow Chakra is Balanced

The positive qualities of people having balanced proportion of Indigo color, in them, are:- high
intuition, faithful and loyalty, sense of unity, devoted towards their duty. They are fearless and
practical. They turn out to be idealistic and straight forward.

When Indigo Color/Brow Chakra is Unbalanced

The person who does not have balanced amount of Indigo color, shows these negative aspects:separatism, timid personality or gets intimated soon. They are not at all practical, dont care about
others, inconsiderate and unreasonable. Can get upset very soon or are disturbed with small things.

Diseases you can Treat with Indigo Color

Disorders related to Brow Chakra are headache, tension, visual defects, migraine, short and long
sightedness, sinus, ear problem and glaucoma. Indigo color is used in order to cure these disease.

Indigo color, give peace and intuition to an individual. The color symbolises divine knowledge and high
ideas. This color is useful for places where more of peace is required. This color is considered perfect
for bedrooms and places where, a person is undergoing treatment. The color is useful for teaching or
studies, therefore, it is great when used in library or education places.

The color is not useful for entertainment venues.

How to use Indigo Color for Color Healing

To integrate the powers of indigo color in your life, you need to include as much of it around you as
possible. Here are some tips:


Include a indigo colored clothing item or accessory in your attire regularly.


Keep a indigo colored piece of crystal or glass in your workplace, or in your home.


Use a indigo colored night-dress so that you may benefit from the energies while you sleep.


Use indigo colored bulb or night-lamp. If you dont find a indigo colored bulb, you can use a
indigo colored film to wrap around a regular white bulb.


Include indigo color in your home furnishing.


Visualize the indigo color in your head during the day.

Violet Color Healing - Healing the Crown Chakra

Violet or purple color is related to our Crown Chakra, which is located at the top of the head in the
human body. The brain, the pineal gland, and the endocrine system is linked with this Chakra.

Violet color has a relationship with self knowledge and spiritual awareness. This color links a person
with spirituality, great thoughts and higher consciousness. The visible spectrum has the highest
amount or percentage of violet color. This is one of the cool colors. It provides a high amount of
calming effect to a person. Hence, the use of this color is advantageous to people who suffer from
insomnia or for those who are stressed out. But, this color is not suitable for those suffering from
depressive disorders

When Violet Color/Crown Chakra is Balanced

When people have a good amount of positive energy from the violet color they will have faith and
respect for all creatures. They have a sense of self-sacrifice. They are kind hearted and fair. They
understand human values and are idealistic.

When Violet Color/Crown Chakra is Unbalanced

Violet color provokes a persons interest in black magic and unfair practices or makes him interested in
the negative aspect of the spiritual world related to mysticism. They may not bother about others.
They may not recognise the truth and tend to turn away from reality.

Diseases you can Treat with Violet Color

Here are the problems related to Crown Chakra:- Schizophrenia, mental disorders, depression,
confusions and problems like fainting. The violet color is helpful in the treatment of all of these

Violet color is concerned with the spiritual personality of a person. This color is helpful from the point
of view of meditation, or other spiritual aspects.

How to use Violet Color for Color Healing

To enhance the energies of violet color in your life, you need to include as much of it around you as
possible. Here are some tips:


Include a violet colored clothing item or accessory in your attire regularly.


Keep a violet colored piece of crystal or glass in your workplace, or in your home.


Use a violet colored night-dress so that you may benefit from the energies while you sleep.


Use violet colored bulb or night-lamp. If you dont find a violet colored bulb, you can use a
violet colored film to wrap around a regular white bulb.


Include violet color in your home furnishing.


Visualize the violet color in your head during the day.

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