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Summer Hielies School KAILASH COLONY, NEw DELFHI-110048, : Please check that thks questionnaire contains 9 printed pages. ‘+ Please check that this questionnaire contains 25 questions in Part-A and 15 questions in Part. 29 ARYABHATTA INTER-SCHOOL MATHEMATICS COMPETITION-2012 CLASS-V GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS : 1, Participant should not write his/her mame on the questionnaire. 2. Write your Roll no. on all pages of the paper. 3. All questions are compulsory. 4, Reai questions carefully, think twice before you write the answer. Another copy of the questionnaire will not be provided. 5. Marks are indicated at the end ofeach question, 6. White the answer within the prescribed limited space. 2%. Do your rough work on a sheet pinned up with the questionnaire. 8, Overwriting is riot allowed. QL. The product oF(I-+ }(I- 511 b)-+22222e 222 2. Complete the series: 14.13, B47, __, @ Q3. in acenain year. January had exactly four Tuesdays and five Saterday, The day on which January | falls that year ts a (Q4, A tank eoetaining 19.62 litres of water can be cenpized in min. Amount of ‘water thar can be emptied in I sec is __lieres @ QS. The fraction halfway berweea * wnd is ) = (96, Placing no more than one %in-each small square, the greatest nuumber of Xs that cam he put in the grid without wetting three Xin 8 raw vertically, horwontally, o a diagonally # a Q7. The numbers of 3 digit numbers divesible by V3 is __- Q (8. Greeting cards are sold in nacks of 6, # and 24 cards, The minimums number of u | packs needed to buy exactly 110-cards is a | (QA, Nine flag poles have to be equally placed in a strancht line along one side of the sehoo! ground. The distance between the first pole sd Ui sixth pote is 90m. ‘The distance between the first and the last pole is ay By ROLLING, QUO, Date and Time 2012 imates after the begsoning of 19th Janmary, 2012 vas. @ QU. The difference between the first 1991 even fuimbers andl 1591 odd numbers * a Q.12 Use each ofthe digits 1, 2, 9, 12 only once in tbe following expression sh as to obtain the lowes) posable answer ay = 1 ® Q13. A tennis singles tournament had sex players Each player played every other layer once with no fies. Ifthe first player won 4 games, second wos 3 games, third woe 2 games, fourth wor 2 games, filth 2 panies, then the sixth player woo, ames. 2 QIl4. A factory packs 48 chocolates in each box. They have 243 buss tbe filled. ‘They bave already made 10,000 chocolates. The nurmher of chocolates they have to make mane to Gill the bowes (2) QUES. Fill in the cmpey cells with munibees 1-15 se thas the sun of the mambers in each diagosal or vertical tow is the samc oe ROLL NO. O16, Noha and Priya were once the sage height. Sisce then Priya ns jprowm 20% ‘while Neha has grown half as many centimetres as Priya. Priva is now 65cm tall. Present height of Net is a ‘O17. There are nine bids seated in a row. The average weight of first five kids is ‘Tg gm and the average weight of last five kids in the row ix 12g S0jgm. Ube average weigh oF all nemesis 7= hx, then the weight of the kid common to ‘bowh groups is a ‘O18. For a party, the chef ts making 30ky of fruit salad using 25% guavas, 30% apples, and 45% bananas. In anticipation of more gucsts, he ade Ske of apples ore fo his salad. The pervemtage of apples im the fruit salad mow is a -Q19. A store normally soils T-shirts af Rs. 100 each, This week the store is offering, ‘ane T-shirt free for each purchase of four. Samairn needs 7 T-shirts and Naigha meeds & T-shirts Money they will save if they purchase Rigether ts Q Q20, Each of the 46 stadents in a painting class hac a boos of crayons ar a bor af (poster colowy of beth crayons and poster colours, 23 students have a box of ‘crayons and 33 susdemts have a box of poster colours. The number of students who have both crayons and pester aloes is. oy O21. Suppase $ of lass V states of a schoo! participa i a maths competition and 0.95 of these studemts get maths wacher of their chowe next year Only 50%% ‘of the class V stadents who do not partieépate ie the mathe cosnpetsicin pt the maths teacher oftheir choste next year The prrnontage of students who peu abe twaths teacher oftheir chow next pear i o Q22. A hare is running af arate of Ton every rain, while a tortomse is crawling at vale of lean every second In |b, the difference berwcen the distance covered by ‘the hare and the torterse would be oy ROLL NO. Q25. Ata seminar 2 3 of the audicnce were chifdren, <> were ladies. The rest were mit. the mane of children wa 25 toe fhan dm, chen tos wnsancanne cy people im the audience was. ey O24. Look mt the given Time-Table amd answer the following questions: STATION TRAIN 1 TRAIN? TRAINS VENUS 2 ‘oon Asis 053s a 0025 18 ons MARS: *. O310 1520 1210 4 a2 1528 1348 JUPrTER a o7as 1a15 18 a o7rag 1835 was PLUTO 2 120 217 1880 d 1340 2230! ano a) The fastest aim going to Muse trom Vers is 1b) Truin that takes shortest time finen Mars ta Plots ©) The fastest train between Mars and Jupiver is -. <4) The trait that takes the longest teme from Venus to Jupiter is __ acy ‘O25. Fil im the bos with a Roma sumnber so ms to make this equation tase coxevn « | = 3688 vecewm 2) ROLILNO, PART B. Note: The dingrame: are not drawn to scale. QU. Inthe given figure £XVZ is a night angle. The ineavare of LWYX is Q) 2 The length af cach side of a triangle anda square is of same measure, The ates ‘of uhia square is 36sqmn 2) The perimeter of this triangte is__ a bb) The kand of figure formed if we join 2 soch trexnytes at the base without owerlapping other sides is so (Q3. The mensere oif'six angles of a heptagom are 126", LOW 168", 132°, 189" and 113°. The measure of the sewenth angle is = a (4. Number off isosceles twiangles that can be formed having a perimeter 23cm is Nate: Sides have length im whole: wumbers. m QS. The measure of the supplement of the smaller amie Formed ly the amd of ‘elock that displays atime of four o’ebock i Pray ROLL NO: 6. The stom of w spinner pois sat Simarth moves i cuckwise 3 + revoeaions ad then counter clockwise 2 revolutions, The diction in which the arrow Painks walter these two moves is @) Q?, In order to walk 1. Skm im» coetanpular park. Roban has to walk the lengith 50 mes or wall the perimeter 10) times. Tha: area of this rectan ular park is eo | ‘GF, There are 36 seadenes in a class. The class teacher wants to. make 3 pie graph 20 show the stub peeference of the siudénts im ber class. 11. sosdents are in Mothemathes club, 9 students in skacing cla, and 4 ceudems in gymnastics, Out cof tho remaaining, + are in painting clus; Rest of'thems are ia the dance elabi The no oF degrees the texcher will use 19 show tbe stuvlemts in the daca chs ix i o) ‘9. Netea bene a box of 6 biscuits to the sche! fr ving i for a charity. | Aakash brought a bégncr bo containing: same biscuits, ut iis bom was twice as __ high, cwice as wide and twice as long. The mumber of biscaits in the second box tx —— o i (Q10, Medhavi made a cylindrical peecil box fram this rectangular sheet of paper ‘without overlapping the sides. ~| (a |- ‘The-dhiameter of the hase of this box is + ™ ROLL NO. QUI. A 2em by Jem rectangle and 3cm by tem reesangle are contained within a ‘square without overlapping and the sides of the square are parallel to the sides of the given two rectangles. The smalless possible wreaifthis square is @y ‘O12. Bight small cuibes each with on edge of Zem are glued together io form a ‘bigger cob) as shown. Another small cobe with un eciye of Zcm bs gluse at the ‘evetre on top of the biiguer subs. Ifthe cost of painting is Re G' then the ‘cast of painting this new shape would be oy Q13. A rectangular fish tank has # base thet measures 100cm by 40cm, and has righ of SGem. In is filled with waner to a depch of 37cm. If s rock with volume of is plnced in the tank, the water bevel will rise: by O14, Tro circles thea share the sume cenore have radii Idem and 28cm. A rebbit ie ee pe rece oe oa oes Sees the disunce ‘covered by the mubbit is @ A ROLLNO. ‘O15, Look at the given Ggure and answer the following, questions: ap ITBT= BK then A TAP +2GEH — By No. off ebony = —— ©) A lincar pair of angles 1s _ __and — @) £TBK +2°GH + LCKH +2IFG+/ KOH +/EKA +2 0KA 0) Shade a major segment ce

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