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"t = 0, t = "

by Samuel Eger
See the universe:
Silent and singular in infancy
Explosive, chaotic in adolescence
Spinning, it is ten billion degrees
Of rage and actualization,
Hydrogen and helium seething quietly
Somewhere in the tidal wave of entropy,
Apes cower aboard a rock,
Hurtling through empty Druidic halls
The universe contemplating itself,
They look at the world spinning above,
At the sickening celestial tapestry,
Drooling its lustrous lines
Across the strata of time and expanse
Timerising and falling
"Silt, adrift in the void
What else is?" they mutter,
"What can truly be, in the eye of the cosmos?"
Lost in an infinite space-time,
Bellowing unto the Void,
They beseech the darkness
To assume some justifying form
The universe, they think, is a circle,
In perpetual recurrence,
An amorphous wheel turning,
Churning on unto destruction,
Suffering its own paradoxical existence
Patterns cease,
And the diminution of neurology fails,
In perfect resignation and surprise

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