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Spring 2014

Sem I-ECED372


JMU Elementary Education Program
Kelsey OConnor
Mrs. Shifflett, Kindergarten, Clymore Elementary
April 6 at 9:00am
Date lesson plan was received by practicum teacher: 4/6
TITLE OF LESSON Making Strawberry Banana Smoothies with Kindergarteners

This lesson is appropriate because it is teaching kids that if you follow the recipe directions by
taking a bunch of separate foods and then put them together you can make something delicious
and healthy. This recipe is right at their grade level because it doesnt involve a lot of complex
fine motor skills but it still requires a lot of hands on involvement that will keep them interested
and involved. While observing the students I noticed they are able to follow directions and listen
to the teacher so by having explicit recipe cards and verbally walk them through making the
smoothies, they will be able to accomplish this. They are also used to doing rotations and moving
in a clockwise order because that is what they do at their math time. This will help the transition
of moving from one station to another since they already practice this often. After talking with the
teacher, we learned there are no allergies in the class so we didnt have to worry about that. We
also learned what method the teacher uses to get their attention so we will be using that method as
well since that is what theyre used to. At this time they are learning about spring and what
happens during the springtime. So since the weather is getting warmer this is a good snack to
make during the spring and summer weather because it is refreshing and healthy. They have been
counting all year but they have not been introduced to fractions at this point. Therefore, I have to
explain it because for some of them this is their first time hearing it.

Developmental Objectives
1. The students will count the various
ingredients that will be put into the

2. Following directions on instruction


I will tell the students how many of each ingredient they will need
and then I will assess the students on if they count the right amount
of each of those ingredients (1 banana, 4 strawberries, 5 ice cubes).
If the student counts the wrong number of that ingredient than the
column on the data sheet that says Did the students count the
correct # of ingredients they will put an X and then explain which
food they counted wrong. If they counted correctly then in that box
they will put a check mark.
I will use the instruction cards to talk students through the steps
they should take to make the smoothie. I will assess by seeigng if
they are able to follow each step. For each step I will mark and X
or a check signifying if the student was able to follow that direction
or not.


See data collection sheet


Spring 2014
Sem I-ECED372



K.2 The student, given a set containing 15 or fewer concrete objects, will
a) tell how many are in the set by counting the number of objects orally
K.35 The student will build oral communication skills.
g) Follow one- and two-step directions.

20 Strawberries
10 vanilla yogurts
7 teaspoons of sugar
10 ripe bananas
20 ice cubes
2 blenders
20 cups
20 straws
Hand sanitizer
Wet wipes
Plastic knives and spoons
Instruction cards
*These are the minimum amount of ingredients that is needed for the entire class of 20 but I will
buy a lot of extras of each ingredient just in case.

Preparation of learning environmentI will set out the two blenders and have each ingredient ready separate bowls. I will have to find a
spot that is close to an outlet where I can plug in two blenders. Then I will take a picture of the set
Engagement and introduction of the lessonBefore they get to their first station the students will wash their hands. Then after that when each
group gets to my station I will give them hand sanitizer to efficiently clean their hands. I will
introduce the lesson by saying that we are going to make strawberry banana smoothies and I need
two students to sit at each blender because you and your partner are going to make a smoothie
together. To get the students attention we will flicker the lights and use the class class, yes yes
method. Since the students will be working with a partner they can alternate every other ingredient
that they will measure and add into the blender. For example one student will put the 4 strawberries
in, then their partner will put the cup of yogurt in. Since they are working with a partner I will
make sure the order of the ingredients that gets put into the blender allows for each student to
practice counting and measuring half.
Implementation of the lessonAfter introducing what we are making and how to take turns, I will tell the first partner to count 5
pieces of ice and put them in the blender (leave about 30 sec to 1 min for each step.) The next

Spring 2014
Sem I-ECED372

ingredient I will have the second partner get is the banana. They will have to peel it but I may help
them start it if needed. Then they will cut in half because it fits in the blender better and it teaches
them about what a half looks like. However they have not yet been taught fractions yet. So I will
ask them if theyve heard of what a half is before and if they havent (or even if they have I will just
reiterate it.) I will explain to them that of something is taking the whole part of it and splitting it
perfectly in two. Each of the two parts represents a half. Now switching back to the first partner, I
will have them put into the blender a full cup of vanilla yogurt. They may need a spoon to help
them get it all out. Then partner 2 will count out 4 strawberries and put them in the blender. Back to
partner, he or she will measure 1 teaspoons of sugar using measuring spoons and put them into
the blender. I will have the sugar in a bowl so they can measure the sugar from there. Then each of
them will split the amount of time they get to actually blend the ingredients in the blender. When all
of the ingredients are completely blended together I will tell them to stop and then pour the
smoothie into two cups for the students to drink at the station.
Closure-While they are drinking their smoothies I will have them fill out a recipe card that reflects
on the recipe they just followed in order to make the smoothie. They will fill in the blanks that are
missing on the recipe card. For example some ingredients might be missing so they will have to
write that ingredient in. Or some of the amounts of an ingredient might be missing so they will have
to fill in how much of that ingredient we used. As they are doing this I will reiterate how important
it is to use and follow a recipe. I will ask them why it is important and how our smoothies might
taste if we didnt use a recipe and just put in whatever and however much they wanted? I will keep
the recipe card when they are done and then we will combine all of them from all of the different
stations to make a recipe book that they can take home.
Clean-up- Throw away all of the banana peels, cups, straws, and wet wipes. Rinse out the blender
after each group so there is no smoothie left in it. Collect all of the recipe cards that the students
filled out. Have the students quickly and quietly move to the next station. At the very end after the
last group has made their smoothies, I will throw away the tablecloth and all of the trash on it. I will
also wash out the blender and put away in a bag all of the left over food.

There will be 5 groups of 4 students and they will be split up based on their reading level. So we are
differentiating the recipe cards that the students are filling out at then end. For the lower reading
level groups, I will only leave a blank for the first letter of certain words and some of the numbers
that tell how much of each ingredient we used. I will use a lot of pictures to help them with the
reading. For the higher level groups I will leave out whole words and numbers. (I will figure this
out in more detail when Mrs. Shifflett sends us the groups and their reading levels.) In this class
there are no ESL students or students with disabilities. There are also no students with any allergies.
However if there were I would find out the allergies ahead of time and either replace that item with
something else. For example if someone were allergic to strawberries I would replace that with
blueberries. If there were ELL students that had a hard time with English, I would I would put more
of an emphasis on the picture on the direction card and have them match the picture with the actual
food. I also spell out the number or food on the recipe card in their original language to help them

Problem: Once I introduce what we are making, kids may say they dont like smoothies or they
may say they dont like certain ingredients in the smoothie.

Spring 2014
Sem I-ECED372

Solution: Just tell the student were going to make it anyway and when were done they dont have
to eat it if they dont want to. If they want to try it and dont want to finish it that is fine too! Were
just learning how to make it and then in the future if he/she wants to put things in it that they do like
he/she can do that too.
Problem: The students may be having a hard time with the concept of of something even after I
explain it.
Solution: Take a little extra time to go over what it means by using examples. Talk about how you
have a whole sandwich and you and your friend want to split it evenly. So you cut it down the
middle and each of you get an even half of the whole. That is what were doing when we are taking
only half of a whole cup. Its like we split the cup in half but we are only using the bottom half.
Problem: The students might have a hard time taking turns when putting the ingredients into the
Solution: Make it clear which partner is partner 1 and which partner is partner 2. When its one of
the students turn to count an ingredient to put in the blender tell the other partner to keep their
hands in their lap and just use their eyes to watch. They will be getting their turn next!
Problem: Students may try to eat the ingredients before putting them into the blender.
Solution: Reiterate that we only have enough ingredients for the smoothie and not any extra to eat
on our own so we need to save them for that. Also you will be able to taste those ingredients in the
smoothie so you dont need to eat any before!
Problem: Some students might not want to participate
Solution: Tell them we really need their help in making the smoothie and if you help to make it you
can eat it at the end. By giving them a specific task to do and saying this is their job it might make
them feel special and more motivated to participate. If they still dont want to participate the partner
can do all of the steps and then ask if they want to push the button to blend it altogether because it is
fun watching that part.
Problem: We may run out of time and not be able to finish making the smoothies.
Solution: If we are close to finishing Ill have them switch and Ill quickly finish making the
smoothies while the students are in a transition. Then I will save their smoothies for them to eat at
the end. But this should be a quick activity and I will keep my eye on the clock and if it looks like
we are running out of time I will move faster in order to at least finish making the smoothies before
the 10 minutes is up.
Problem: The time may run out while the students are in the middle of finishing their recipe cards
Solution: Just have them fill out as much as they can and tell them it isnt a big deal if they dont
get to the whole thing. They can finish another time!
Problem: They may finish making the smoothies really early.
Solution: Give them a couple minutes to just drink their smoothies and talk about other ingredients
they might be able to use besides the one we used today. Then go through the recipe cards as a
group because that can slow the process down and take up more time. If they even finish that early
have them draw on the back of the recipe card what ingredients they would want in a smoothie if
they could make another one.


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