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Bryan Alcala

Community Problem
Professor Arrieta
Thousands of lives have been affected negatively throughout history,
just because individuals try to have a better life. Many people would question
the definition of having a better life would not be running from immigration
all the time. It is simply just because there are more opportunities in the U.S
than any other country. Every story has to have an end and unfortunately the
majority cases are caused by deportation. U.S citizens have not yet to
encounter that aliens are actually good to this community because they help
out in ways such as: economically, culturally, and socially.
Studies have shown that without the labor of immigration economy
wouldnt have been as well. Even though our economy hasnt been good for
a while the situation would have completely ruined our country. In addition to
their labor, they also help create small business that help in putting more
jobs. Contributing to a large factor of decrease in jobless people, instead of
taking our jobs their helping to create more. Apart from this country making
more money of their labor, their working positions isnt the best job either.
Their working schedules are most based on a sunrise to sunset day.
Even though this nations is based upon one race, it is still based upon
a multi racial culture.

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