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Tell me about a time when you took a risk.

During my last job I was working as an assistant engineer piping in petrochemical refinery plant. We had a target to complete 1000mtr of piping in
very short time interval. If we go through all the safety measures then it
would not have been possible for me to finish the work on time. So, I decided
to skip some of the safety parameters because I was well known to all the
safety measures. So, I decided to take risk and achieved our target within
time limit. If the work would not have been completed on time then I would
have lost my job. So, this was the time when I took risk.

Tell me about a time you led a project team or group project.

When I was in my final year our college organized a cultural event. I

participated in the decoration committee of cultural event in college and I
was chosen as a group leader. My role was to decorate the stage, making the
banners, list of programmes to be performed and guide the group members
and to work with all the team members. We all started our work as a team
and finished the decoration on time. Our work was appreciated by all the
staff members and class mates. Overall it was a good experience to work
with team members.

Describe a time when you struggled to maintain balance between your

work/school and personal life.

It is very difficult to maintain the balance between work and school. I work in
weekends and during weekdays I have school. This is the incident of last
week when we were having mid-term exams. I requested my manager that I
have exams so I need a leave. But there was no one available to be there on
my shift therefore I had to go. So, I took all my study materials. But it was
very difficult for me to work and study together at a same time and as a
result I was not prepared for my exam. So, this was the time when I
struggled to maintain the balance between work and school.

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