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Individual Program Plan

Childs Name: Child M

Date of Birth: 13th September, 2012

Resource Consultant: Omotope Awoleye

IPP Date: 29th October, 2015

Domain: Communication

Goal: Child M will be supported with the

usage of familiar single words consistently.
Labelling of desired items with single words.

Comments/ Observations:
Strategies to Achieve Goals:
1. With the use of one or two words,
label activities and objects in a simple
manner. (Car or truck), (Eat), (Sit
please). It will be a great help to list
the words being used at the centre and
practice checking off the words that
Child M says independently- Where
2. Please remember, when redirecting
Child M, use verbal and non-verbal
prompt. For example, Teacher A can
point to the object and label at the
same time. Washroom please. The
more confident and independent Child
M becomes with his words, he will
require less verbal prompting.
3. Adults/ teachers create opportunities
for Child M to demonstrate using
verbal request. For example, when
Child Ms peers request for
objects/snacks, encourage his
participation. Who wants more milk
Have Child M tap himself and respond
with the word Me.

Individual Program Plan

Date of Birth: 13th September, 2012
Childs Name: Child M
Resource Consultant: Omotope Awoleye
Domain: Social-Emotional
1. With teachers support, Child M will
engage in play with his peers.
Focusing on turn-taking games and
parallel play. For example, Child M
can be encouraged to sit with peers
during indoor play and be engaged
with a variety of toys.
One fun activity could be matching
colours of different objects/ toys.
2. Adults/ teachers can support Child M
with access to stories labelling
For example, read books that
illustrates expressing feelings. I am
happy. A touch and feel book by
Steve light. Grumpy bird by Jeremy
3. Teachers/ Adults can assist Child M to
express his feelings. For example,
when Child M smiles, you can say
Child M is happy. If he cries, adult
can say Child M is sad.

IPP Date: 29th October, 2015

Goal: Child M will be supported to play with
his peers and express his emotion

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