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Assessment Task Title: RUNNER Oral Presentation

Year Level: 8

Date assigned: Wednesday 13th April 2016

Student Name:

Due Date:

Assessment Task
Your task is to prepare and present an oral presentation to the class on one of the research topics from
Conditions for the task:
You have three lessons to research, plan, conference, edit and prepare your presentation. However,
there is an expectation that work will also need to be done at home to refine, rehearse and learn
your speech.
It should be 3 minutes in length.
Your speech also needs to be submitted in written form to your teacher immediately after your
presentation and you must clearly identify the purpose and audience.
You will present in front of your peers during class time at a time specified by your teacher.
Steps to success:
1. Your speech should be well planned and structured.
2. It should be done in informative, creative modes and must also keep your audience
3. It should make clear and specific references to the Runner or its related themes.
4. It must incorporate a range of multimodal/visual approaches music, PowerPoint, costumes, videos
5. You must show control over pitch, timing, fluency and maintain eye contact with the audience.
6. You must deliver your speech with confidence and engage and sustain audience interest.

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