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Matt Angi

Mrs. Jumper
Sociology, Period 7
11, February 2015
Cuban Culture
Culture is something that is special to a specific region, it defines a person and how they
live. There are many cultures all over the world, but Cuba, is an interesting one to research
about. Cuban culture is a meeting point of European, African, Chinese and continental North
America (Wikipedia,2015). These regions have cultures related to Cuban culture.
The country Cuba is an island off of Florida, and it has several different cultures all over
its land. I think it is an interesting country because well one we haven't been able to go there yet
until now that is because before it was illegal. Plus I don't really know much about Cuba so I
thought it would be cool to learn about the culture of Cuba and what they find interest in or what
food they eat. The official name of Cuba is The Republic of Cuba, and the capital is Havana.
The population total is 11,167,325. Cubas official language is Spanish, and all the islands next
to it speak Spanish as well. The demographics of Cubas age structure over the years consists
of more than 2 million people including all ages as of July 2014 ( There are
several different material cultures in Cuba. for example cubas typical religion i Catholic,they eat
foods different than we do and cuba is known for making cigars.
Cuba has many ideal cultures, which are very different from ours, for example, Cubans
eat food completely different than we do and to them, thats a normal way of life for them, and
the way we prepare food is completely different to them but to us its normal. Our country and
Cuba are two very different regions with very different styles of culture. The ethnocentrism of it
all I believe our culture is better since its more civilized, but cubas culture is quite interesting i
must say.

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