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Vocab - Macbeth Act I

Revolt: To break away from or rise against constituted authority

Captivity: state of being held, imprisoned, enslaved, or confined
Disdaining: to look upon or treat with contempt; despise
Corporal: of the human body; bodily; physical
Interim: intervening time; interval; meantime
Repentance: deep sorrow for a past sin or wrongdoing
Recompense: to repay someone
Ingratitude: ungrateful
Plenteous: abundant
Commendations: recommendation; praise
minion: follower/subordinate of a person in power
rapt: engrossed; absorbed
intelligence: capacity for learning and understanding forms of mental activity
capital: city/town that is the official seat of government in a country or state
harbinger: anything that foreshadows a future event
missives: written message/letter
illness: sickness; unhealthy condition
metaphysical: highly abstract, subtle or abstruse

subject of death; belonging to this world

faculties: inherent capability of the body

break: termination of a line in a poem and the beginning of a new line.

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