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Reilly Global Studies Name:_“\/)\\\i i f Civil Rights Leader Mini Presentation Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to work on the skills of accessing and analyzing information, effective written and oral communication, and effective collaboration. Directions: Each table group will choose one of the following Civil Rights Leaders to research. (Each group must choose a different leader) Groups will create a mini google slide presentation about their leader. Presentations should be 1-2 slides long and include the following information. All presentations must include a MLA works cited! + Ashort biography of your leader including birthplace, early life, and education. * What groups, if any, did your leader belong to? What was their role in those organizations? + “What protests, marches, or other projects did your leader help organize? flow were they involved in these activities? * What other major accomplishments can be attributed to your leader? Possible Leaders + A Phillip Randolph + Stokley Carmichael * James Forman ‘hurgood Marshall *.) Malcolm X + W.E.B. Dubois

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