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My name is Stacy Snchez; I was born on September 28, 1995, in Heredia, I live with
my family, my fathers name is Alexander and my mothers name is Grisbel, I have two
sibling one sister her name is Sharlyn and one brother his name is Ivan, I am the
youngest. Also I have two pets one cat her name is Pinky and one dog her name is
When my mom was pregnant she didnt know it because all pregnant tests were
negative but then one of them was positive, I was a premature baby born with 7 months,
Doctors said that I wasnt live enough time and see I am here 20 years after.
Talking about my childhood, it was a beautiful childhood I love to play with dolls; I
always play with my neighbors and with my cousins. Every year for Christmas my
parents bought me bicycles I dont remember how many of them I had. I love my
childhood because I have a lot of good memories, I remember that I always wanted to
wear a red overall and most of the photos I have from my childhood I was wearing that
overall, also my cousins, siblings and I we were to close and we still being together. I
went to Ulloa School it was also a good experience.
When I was 13 years old I went to High School called Colegio Tcnico Profesional de
Ulloa, there I made a lot of friends some still being my friends, there I passed through
different situations I experimented different feelings and moods, In addition, I got
technical degree as Bilingual Secretary there. I spent all my day there because the
schedule was from 07:30am to 04:30pm so it was like my second house for around 6
years. I remember that my partners and I when we have free time we like to go to sleep
around the trees that was near to the football field. I used to make up my face and it
wasnt allowed to enter so I got lots of reports cards, I loved to be at high school
because it was the best experience of my life.
Then, when I finished high school when I was 18 years old next year I started
University, I am studying English as Foreign Language at UTN where I found amazing
friends I go there every night from Monday to Friday. Moreover, I started working work
as Receptionist in K-9 International for Philips Costa Rica, it is my first job so I am
taking experience from it, I like to work there because people there are too kind and
they help me to learn more.

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