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Emily Sopp Elang 410

Word Count: 268

Looking beyond Our Inadequacies
[Kicker] The Lord will strengthen us and help us succeed beyond our perceived inadequacies
if we rely on him.
We all feel inadequate at some point in our lives. We are constantly pushed to do better and be
better, but it often feels as if too much is asked of us.
Elder Gary E. Stevenson addresses these feelings of inadequacy in his 2015 General Conference
talk titled, Plain and Precious Truths.
When he was called as the newest member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, Elder
Stevenson worried that he would not be able to fulfill his calling. President Thomas S. Monson
assured Elder Stevenson that the Lord will qualify those whom he calls.
This assurance is a blessing to all those who feel that they have too many shortcomings to
adequately serve the Lord. The Lord asks a lot from his people, but gives a lot in return. We will
be able to accomplish all that we need with the help of the Savior.
As Elder Stevenson contemplated his new calling as an apostle and the vast duties that it would
encompass, he received the impression to focus not on what I cant do but rather on what I can
do. We can all follow this guidance and do what we can to be better. We can share the gospel
with those around us. We can show our testimony through small acts of service. And we can do
our best to rely on the Lord and trust in his plan.
If we look beyond our inadequacies and focus on what we can do, we will be better able to fulfill
the Lords expectations. Whether in callings, relationships, studies, or business, the Lord is
willing to make up for our shortcomings.
Read Elder Stevensons full article, Plain and Precious Truths, here.
Emily Sopp, El Dorado Hills, California
Find more insights:
Read President Henry B. Eyrings talk, You Are Not Alone in the Work, about how God will
magnify your efforts if you do your part.
Learn to focus your life on what really matters with this talk by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf.
[SEO] Responsibility, inadequacies
[Tags] Emily Sopp, Elder Gary R. Stevenson, responsibility, blessings, Thomas S. Monson
[Text for meme]
The Lord will qualify those whom he calls. President Thomas S. Monson
Focus not on what I cant do but rather on what I can do. Elder Gary E. Stevenson

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