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Lance Dunlap

Jan Rieman

English 1101x


Final Reflection Letter

This class has most definitely been one I have enjoyed. Despite all the writing

assignments I put off to the last minute, I have become a better student. There is a

lot that I could talk about, but the main focus is how I grew as a writer and as a

student. The two sections in this course both played a big role in my success.

My development as a writer is very important in order for me to succeed in

school. Before you can become a good writer, it is vital to know where you struggle

when it comes to writing. I have a long way to go before I find out all my weaknesses

but thanks to this class, I now have a good start on where I need improvement. The

main challenges I faced in the class were when I had to rush to get my papers done. I

always tend to leave things to get done at the last minute and it sometimes caused

me to get behind. I learned that revisions are very important in college. I found out

that there is always a way to make your paper much stronger than the first time you

write it. A great way to make your revision stronger is to have a peer review your

work so you can get another opinion on it. It always made revising my papers much

easier. Overall, I feel the main thing I need to work on is starting my future

assignments a few days before they are due. That is my only regret for this class.

Being a part of Dr. Riemans course was a really fun and great learning

experience for me. I really enjoyed the many discussions we had that eventually led
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to a couple of my favorite topics in the class. When talking about why the class

thought an author wrote what he or her did, it helped me look at my assignments

from many different views. I will most definitely take everything from this course

and use it as a reference when it comes to my future writing classes. This Portfolio

was a fun assignment to create and very helpful to me as a writer.

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