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Kinematics Equations

For constant speed v=s/t

For constant speed around circle v=2r/t
V =s/t
V = u +at
s = (u+v) t/2
s = ut +0.5at2
v2 =u2+2as
For Vertical Projection (no horizontal motion)
+up down y=displacement v=velocity t=time u=initial
velocity in upwards direction
v = u - gt
y = ut 0.5gt2
For Horizontal Projection
Horizontal component of displacement x=Ut
Vertical component of displacement y=0.5gt2
Horizontal component of velocity vx=U
Vertical component of velocity vy=-gt
Speed= (vx2+vy2)1/2
Projection Without Gravity
Horizontal Component of Initial Velocity = U cos
Vertical Component of Initial Velocity= U sin
Horizontal Component of Displacement= U t cos
Vertical Component of Displacement= U t sin
Projection With Gravity
Displacement y= U t sin -0.5gt2
Velocity Vy= U sin gt
F= ma W= mg
F1 F2 = m a
F= (m1+m2) a
T= mg + ma
Pulley Problems: m1g m2g = (m1+m2) a
Sliding Down Slope: m a = mg sin F0 where F0=force of
Engine Force and Slope: FE + mg sin F0 = m a
F= mg D where D=Drag force
Motion of vehicle a= (FE-FR)/m
Vmax: a=0
Thinking Distance= vt0
Breaking Distance= u2/2a
Stopping Distance= ut0 + u2/2a

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