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To: John D.

McLean, Professor of Workplace Writing Skills; Humber College

From: Team Dynamic Duo; Neil Welchman and Tess Furlong
Date: February 24, 2016
Subject: Major Project, Team Contract
I am writing this memo to formally provide the information in regards to the team contract for
Dynamic Duo, whose members Neil Welchman and Tess Furlong have put together. Each group
member has chosen roles to take on such as Neil taking on responsibilities including;
Organizing ideas,
Contributing to the writing of the final report, and;
Editing the final report before handing it in.
As well as Tess taking on responsibilities including;
Researching content and support for the final report,
Contributing to the writing of the final report, and;
Editing the final report as well.
As a group, we have put together a few goals for our group to help keep up on track and to aim
for, for example;
Creating a detailed outline prior to Week 8 (March 9-13),
Completing a first draft of the report by Week 10 (March 21-25) to submit for feedback, and
Receiving a minimum final grade of 80% on the project.
To ensure the success of our final report and accountability of each group member, we have
agreed upon set guidelines for each member, which consist of;
Our group will make sure to reach our goals by the date previously specified,
Each group member will be responsible for producing research and information around
their specific topic areas within the project, and
Both members will be responsible for editing and finalizing the report before the due date.
Also creating consequences to curb or deal with unacceptable member behaviour, for example;
The inability for a team member to produce their previously agreed upon researched or
written parts by the date decided, will result in a 5% deduction on their mark for the
assignment, and;
If a team member demonstrates unacceptable performance or goes against the previously
agreed upon behaviours, there will be two intermediate steps taken;
- The first step would be to have a group meeting to try and resolve the issue before any
penalties are given,
- If that doesnt resolve the issue, then unfortunately the team member will receive the 5%
deduction on their mark.

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