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Submit here a one-page summary of your suggested peer edits for

the draft you reviewed for project #2. Identify and rank in order of
importance if you can, the issues that should be addressed in
revision for the final project, due Wednesday evening, April 6.
The title page looks good, information-wise. I would suggest adding
some kind of image or spicing up the text to make the title page
more presentable (which is obviously an edit I think youre going to
be doing anways).
For the executive summary, I like the breakdown of problems into
two main ideasbe careful that youre watching the use of your
pronouns and remaining consistent with the point of view. Also
watch out in the final paragraph of the executive summary that your
ideas are flowing logically and that youre not introducing new ideas
at the end without explaining them.
The Table of Contents also needs editing, just a reminder to edit the
page numbers with lower case roman numerals.
In the introduction, the first paragraph has a few sentences which
arent very clear. Make sure you re-edit for spacing between words
as well, sometimes there are extra spaces. For the methodology, I
think you did a very thorough job of covering your process. Are the
pre-questions and post-questions going to be an image as well?
Just stay consistent with that, and make sure you list your figures as
Make sure you put a page break between the test results as well.
Watch the language used in the findings and recommendations as
wellsaying features can appear confusing takes away from the
results that the usability tests proved to actually BE confusing. I
thought the findings were very good and the break down was very
thorough of the problems were very thorough. Again, watch the
capitalization of WordPress. Mention the fact that youre writing up a
reference guide in your findings and recommendations.

Where are your references?

Reference Guide: Love that you listed key terms, would like to see
images to go along with it. Be consistent with punctuationlike
either put all your points with periods, or dont use punctuation at all.
Great work!
Tayler Green

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