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Tayler Green, Rabee Khan, Katie Calabro

January 25, 2014

Planning Memo
--Audience for this project: our audience will be undergraduate UNCC
--The primary purpose of the test is to determine the current usability
of the library discovery interface, specifically the relevance of the
search results (time of publication) and the ability to search beyond
keywords (theme and topics). The purpose of the report is to
communicate our findings to UNCC librarians re: the usability of their
search catalogue, so they can consider revisions.
--Particular topics/tasks to be included in the research and testing:
Recruit test subjects (5-10) among various disciplines at UNC
Charlotte. Upon recruiting subjects determine name, program of study,
degree being pursued, year in degree program, ask participant to
gauge how much time per semester they spend searching for materials
with this database.
Participants will be expected to come to usability tests prepared to
search for 2-3 topics in their particular field of study.
Participants will be encouraged to bring their own laptop or use UNCC
campus resources.
Recording of sessions will be attempted via screen capture technology.
Materials we will prepare to organize usability test:
o Introductory script including directions for test
o Post test review questions addressing subjects experience
o Conclude with thank you correspondence
Review findings and compile in report
--Research and reporting schedule

January 27: Questions and Answers for SMEs

February 1: (end of class) Summary of Key Findings (from reading and
February 3: Begin usability testing.
February 10: Complete all usability tests and have draft of User Test
Summary by the end of class.
February 22: Rough draft of results due, with peer editing.
February 24: Project 1 due with assessment. Report to Library Audience

Tayler Green, Rabee Khan, Katie Calabro

Rough test schedule outline:

Intro [3-5 minutes]
Test 1 [2-4 minutes]
Test 2 [2-4 minutes]
Test 3 [2-4 minutes]
Test 4 [2-4 minutes]
Follow up [~5 minutes]
-- Tone or voice you hope to project in researching and reporting your
observations: we intend to be non-leading and non-judgmental in our
interviews and usability tests. We will strive for objective results based
on observations of our test participants experience.

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