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Technical Writing is a course designed to

Throughout my semester this course, Dr. Pearson taught the class techniques the proper methods
of creating things such as cover letters, creatign demographics, as well as help us understand the
importance of time management as demostrated in this portfolio. I believe that the every bit of
information provided by the instructor in this course was beneficial to my future endeavors and
job opportunities.

Dr. Pearson’s style of teaching really reflects her as a professor. She teraches on the basis of
bringing life experiences in the explanation of a certaing topic as opposed to the book by book
criteria. I was able to learn and retain more information because the lectures were not only
informative but entertaing. An in class exercise really had an affect on me was the time
management exercise. During this assignment, each student had to map out their everyday lives
breaking down our activities and the amount of time spent doing the activities. From this
assignment I learned that I spend too much time involed in non academic activities and too much
time texting, chilling with friends, as well as working. Since this assignment, I have rearranged
my time and gave more time to my academics.

I would recommend this course to any students enrolled at Claflin Unviersity, whether they be an
English major or not. I really enjoyed this course and hope to be a part of another class setting
with Dr.Pearson.

Chesney Tyler

English Education Major

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