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Lecture 2


Measure source of contribution study

Important source of contribution study

The systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to
establish facts and reach new conclusions is called research. Comparative means
comparison between two things to find out what is similar and is different
between them. For example we can compare economic system of Pakistan and
India to examine what is similar in their economic system. Comparative research
means comparison between two researches to find out the facts. For conducting
a research we have some points, Major source of c/s means that source which
provides more information to you. There may be many sources of information but
that source which provides that most of the information is major source.
Important source is related with those sources which are important for us. We
select only those sources which are helpful for us and left other sources.
Literature is information about something for example biography, information of
a personal is available it is literature. Critic means those points that are identified
by the researcher is critic. Theses critic could positive factors or negative factors.

Concept of system transformation

1. Modernization
2. Development
3. Change
Modernization means past to present. Change means transformation and
development means present to future. What we planned yesterday is now
modernization and what we've to do tomorrow is development and in
between is change. When modernization goes negative we tried to stop
that which is called intersect between modernization and development.
When modernization goes positive we let it continue and that is called
parallel. We can connect Dorsey's information energy model with this, this
model tells about conversion of information (input) into output and then
that output becomes input for any other system.

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