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Directions: read the question below, then watch the video and answer the questions while
you watch.
1. Why did immigrants leave the countries they were from?

2. What was the Ellis Island Public Hospital considered?

3. Which diseases came together at Ellis Island?

4. How long was the hospital open?

5. Between 1880-1924, how many immigrants left their homelands to come to America?

6. How many of these immigrants arrived through Ellis Island?

7. What could be seen through the windows of the hospital?

8. Who was the medical inspection geared toward?

9. How were 1st class passengers treated differently than 2nd or 3rd class passengers?

10. What were doctors looking for as the immigrants climbed the long stairway to the
Great Hall?

11. What did an immigrant have done to them if doctors determined something was
wrong with them?

12. What was the hospital known as?

13. Why didnt some immigrants want their clothes taken from them?

14. How many patients died in the Ellis Island hospital?

15. Why did William Williams tighten the restrictions for entry during his second term as
the head of Ellis Island?

16. What medical issue did nativism arguably create and where were these people
allegedly from?

17. What did Dr. Goddard do that should have been discredited his theory?

18. In YOUE opinion, was the Ellis Island Public Hospital viewed as a positive or
negative place for incoming immigrants? Explain your view in at LEAST 2-4 sentences.

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