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Homework Assigned May 9, 2012 (Chapter 7)

1. Miranda rights must be given
a. before a suspect can be frisked for a weapon.
b. before a suspect can be questioned by the police, even if the suspect is free to
c. before a custodial interrogation.
d. before a defendant accepts a plea bargain.
2. Do the police need a search warrant to search the passenger area of your car if
they pull you over because you did not completely stop at a stop sign and the
police officer sees evidence of drugs on the passenger seat of the car? Yes or No?
3. A motion to suppress is
a. made by one side to keep the other side from laughing in front of the jury.
b. made by a defendant to keep evidence that was discovered in violation of
constitutional rights from being admitted in a court proceeding.
c. made by a defendant to stay silent as part of his/her right against self
d. is similar to a civil law summary judgment motion, only it is used in criminal
4. The intent required to commit a burglary is:
a. specific intent.
b. general intent.
c. strict liability.
d. reckless conduct.
5. Roger was sentenced to two years in prison for violating a state law against drug
dealing. His offense is:
a. a civil offense
b. a felony
c. offensive.
d. a misdemeanor

6. Sid burned his own warehouse in order to collect on a fire insurance policy. Sid
has committed:
a. a crime called arson.
b. a crime called larceny since he committed an act intended to wrongfully obtain
money from his insurance company.
c. an intentional tort, but not a crime, since a person has a right to destroy his own
d. res ipsa loquitur.
7. In criminal law, mens rea means:
a. guilty mind.
b. absolutely nothing.
c. the thing speaks for itself.
d. guilty act.
8. Duress
a. can never be a defense to a crime.
b. might be a defense to a crime.
9. Andrea has been found guilty of false imprisonment. This a
a. criminal case
b. civil case
10. Corporations
a. can be found guilty of a crime.
b. are a figment of the imagination.
c. are creatures from other planets.
d. cannot be found guilty of a crime because a corporation is not
capable of having mens rea.

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