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If a person is suffering from duress at the time of signing a contract, a court

might rescind the contract if:
a. The duress is either physical, emotional or financial.
b. The duress is physical but not emotional or financial
c. The duress is physical or emotional but not financial.
d. The person cries a lot during testimony.
2. A person who is too intoxicated to understand the nature and consequences of
the contract they are signing
a. May be able to have the court rescind the contract.
b. Will not be able to have the court rescind the contract because the
intoxication was voluntary.
3. BCDs chocolate is the best tasting chocolate in the world!
a. Is an example of sales puffery.
b. Will be considered as a misrepresentation by the court unless BCD can
prove its claim.
4. Law that prohibit the charging of excessive interest rates are known as:
a. Common laws
b. Chancery laws
c. Usury laws
d. Debtor relief laws

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