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Presented at SISSH'EE Varna Oct. 1988 ‘A STATISTICAL RESISTANCE PREDICTION METHOD VITH ‘A SPEED DEPENDENT FORK FACTOR 3. Boltrop Haritine Research Institute Netherlands P.0, Box 28, 6700 AA. Wageningen, The Netherlands s9sTRACT A. prediction sethod 1s presented for the resistance of 2 ship on the basis of a regression analysis of experi- Zent “data, A Froude number dependency of the form fac- TSE' USS"inteoduced “with the object. to Amprove the accuracy of the prediction. by weans of a statistical analysis a tentative subdivi- Fon of Reynolds and Froude autber dependent resistance Zceponents, was, derived for speeds below the main hoap Sa Froude nusber of 0-5. At high speeds the form fac~ for (1sk) var supposed to be 1. ‘The paper also includes forulse for the prediction of Uifecks of bulbous tovs. These formulae vere also Gerived by weans of a regression analysis. In this sEEySte “Pacenaters, vere introduced vhich reflect the Torwgcd sinkage of the ship. A vorked example is given at the end of this paper sonmtcatune fase HoaStete atea ot telbous boy Tonucsed teanson aren then at eet a Breadth ¢ Hodelsship correlation atlovance Ge WekachetSfortsenstate dear a Siosk cocstsetent haved on vater}ine Length 2 Coctftctent of fedecional resistance ¢ fidship section coe!tietent x tesemtie*coetticsear based on vacertine ioc cpt-Spg__ fullness parameters S2Sb4 Etten' shape coefficient inteeplone ares costfictene Syr Freud number tased on vacecline Length Fe, Froude nuber based on bulbous bow ieerston peranecer re Pisode susber based on transom depth 7 Acceleration due to gravity ‘, eight of controtd of gy above Heel TBing _Rganecers to account (SE forvard stage 4 ile aneke of vaterline enteance (desrees] Eker k Foon factors Eins" fopendage:reststance factor L length on the vaterlise Yep TendSEuSTaal position se the centre of Soyaney e wicker ge data in senple ® Bulbous bow innersion R Resistance R Still air resistance = Appendage resistence Moe seats Ectlence mt levee cuisane doe to tlbaes bee HE WeesiS0acher Gadd on waterine tens We Feantptatere resietnce Big, EULER'S lcoot for tuone bor nt See dace aoea Te BENERE Eervara Fora factor correction Standard deviation ef total model resistance Density Displacenent volume 2. TRODUCTION Form factors vere introduced about 25 years ago in fveryday toving, tank. vork. After the introduction it Cooke coneideesble efforts to prove that the use of the form factor. Lk Improved the accuracy of the spsed- pover predictions on the basis of wodel tests. Extensive nodel-ship correlation studies carried out by the Fie “in the period 1972-1978, (1,21, have shon that the use of sk reduced the dispersion in the pover Correlation coefficlents beyond doubt, but.the diftec~ Shee in. the scatter of the pover correlation coeffi iene ‘werwexis two. and. three dimensional methods sp~ feared "nor to be inpressive. The form factors used in these correlation studies vere determined by means of Prohasks's, wethod and were considered to be unaffected by the speed. This implies that neither Froude number, hoc Reynolds nunber effects on lek vere supposed to be presents The “sna inprovesent of the accuracy of the fover prediction by the introduction of 3 constant 1+k Jn conparison to putting ka0, indicates that it vill be even nore, difficult to show that small adaptations of fhe" form factor method vill Lead to better predictions by analysing the correlation of s2nples of wodel tests and ship trial data. Also in statistical pover prediction methods thé form factor. concept. haz played = certain cole because also here the vatious resistance components are connoaly described as a function of their respective governing parancters. For the viscous resistance of a ship's full the flat’ plate resistance multiplied by an enpicical forn factor is usually taken az e-g- in (3)4]- Also here Froude number and Reynolds “aunber effects are Sgnored. tn this paper a tentative Froude number dependency of the ‘form factor 4s derived and the results ace used in a'statistical resistance prediction method. ‘This statistical prediction eethod vas developed by means of regression analysis of the vave resistance for waclous Froude nuabers, including effects of bulbous dove. 2. INFLUENCE OF SPEED ON THE FORK FACTOR It is recognised on the basis of results of vake sur~ veye, that Froude number effects, ahd. probably Reynolds Runber effects as vell, are present on the form factor. Riso, geosin. tests and. model cests in tenk vater of Varying tenperature indicate that Lek should probably fot. be fegerded a a constant. Hovevery until nov & generally accepted procedure haz not come forvacd for Kodel-chip ‘extrapolation vith a speed dependent fora fector. Statistical checks on correlation data analysed by a pethod vith a speed dependent form factor vill probably fot shov spectacular {aprovenents due to the snall Froude number. ranges covered in ost commercial test progranaes and the probably veak and form dependent Reynolds nusber effects on Isk. Noreover, the scatter fn the ship trial data is rather large and big samples of correlation data are needed to prove statistically the significance of the aprovenents of the form factor adaptations. Therefore, At viNl be extrenely difficult to cosvince the clients of toving tanks that the introduction of a certain speed dependency in the form factor vill vlti- mately inprove the accuracy of the pover prediction: Apart from these considerat{fons there 1 the fundanen— tal question vhether of not the form factor can be treated a¢ 4 constant. Calculations, geosin measure ments, vake curveys and ceale effects on the extent and the. type of Elo separation indicate that the form Factor will depend on the Reynolds number. Despite this evidence there is no general trend or influence and probably the Reynolds auaber effect on Tek vill change from hull form to hull form. The liability to separa Con is thought to play an imporcant cole in the variation of the Reynolds unter effect on the form Stelctly peeking, the fore factor as detersined by Extcepolation to ‘zero Froude nunber te only wali for the lovest Froude munbers: Particularly a high speeds the viscous’ form eftect vill Se attected by feee suet fags Teecte Ge” gaves and toning tries I< ie Ineo celvable that the flow sround ships at high speeds con be rerscded siailac to thot ae santching Powe nusbers Particularly at speeds beyond the main hump at Fr=¥/{gL = 0.5 the running trim, a clearing transom and planing cLfects cause the flov to be quite different. Probably it partially explains vhy in earlier work on regression analysis of historic experinent data, [3,4], the suey cess of the pover prediction on the basis of a speed indegendent fore factor vas" only "moderate. st high speeds. There are savers] considerations that may help to establish s Froude number influence on the form factor! 1) Inthe planing condition, and even 4a the semi Planing ode "as vell, the sinkege becones negative and therefore the pressure under the ship must be igher “thon far ‘upetceam at. the seme levels The average local velocities vill be less then the ship's speed and a reduction of the frictional deag MALL “cesult. “This “fs equivalent to a reduction of the form factor. The flat bottom vaich carcies the ship velghe 12 similae toa flac plate indeed and a low tora effect vould not sea unnatural. 2) At speeds beyond the main hump at faq0.5 the area of the "vetted. surface starts to. become smaller and sealer. If in the analysis of the tect results the Actual. vetted ares reduction fz {gnored, the effect 4s identical toa reduced form effect. 3) Statistical correlation analyses by the ITTC on the basis of a fore factor independent of seale and speed have revealed that the predicted speed-pover curves ate Slightly steeper "than those actally observed on full scale ships, [5]- ‘This need not necessarily inply 2 speed influence on the form factor, because a rather coarse nodelling Of various hydeodynamie featuces vas made in the Snalyses of the correlation data. On the other hand, the departure of the slopes of Predicted and messured ship trial curves vould even Be greater if in the representation of the effects of the hull roughness, in vhich any speed influence was Sgnored, an appropriate increase of the rough Rees Sllovance ats funetion of the Reynolds number Would “have been incorporated. This deviation of the Flopes of the speed-pover curves suggests that en increase of the fore factor vith increasing Froude number maj be vell. present over the speed range considered in the correlation analyses of the ITTC- Because this study eainly concerned comercial ships, St can be deduced that the speed range must have extended” roughly {tor Fa-0.12 to 00.15. Soy this sturent suggests an fncreaze of sk over’ this speed range. 4) The free surface effects cause overspeeds along the nidbody vhere in general a vave trough iz formed When the transverse vaves attain a vave length in the order of the Length of the ship. The ship travels at “level running trim just before the sain hhunp speed is reached. Moreover, the pressure gradient in the afcer body Becomes. ‘nore pronounced vhen the velocities in the idbody increase due to the vaves around the ship. Thi suggests that the most predoainant changes in the level of the form factor vould occur at Froude unbers soncvhat below 0-5. 5) An argument for an appreciably lover form factor at speeds, beyond the main hump at Faa0.5 1s the nadel~ ship correlation and the experience vith the statis Ueal pover prediction method of [4]. Reliable full scale data, although rather scarce in this range of Speeds, are “often. Jere favourable than those pre- Gleted’ on the basis of elther aodel tests or the tatistical acthod of [4] Sf the lovespeed form fac~ tor is used in the extrapolation. This srgunent ts only valid if the seale effects on appendage drag have been taken into. account in an appropriate zanner. Othervise serious erroce can be introduced Unich prevent thet general conclusions ean be draun from the nodel-ship correlation as @ function of the Froude nunber. ‘These argusents suggest a Frode suaber dependency of the form factor as shovn in Fig. 1. In this figure the arbitrary assumption is incorporated to put lekel at Speeds Seyond the main hump, the sain practical reason for this sinplifseation being the ignorance of the low speed fore factor of this class of ship vhich has large In principle, the curve shovn in Fig. 1 can be estab- Lished from ‘a sufticiently large sample of model test results and corresponding ship trial data by ainisising the deviations betoeen, predicted and measured propul= sive perforeance. In the present study an alternative approach vas folloved, because the sample of sodel-ship correlation data available et MARIN, which Is being extended eteadily does not yet cover Sufticiently the instead of optintsing the model-ship corselacion the cient oF Serta ual forthe eesistance vas, ont oe eto ns eagetosion analysis of the vave fe5ls Be Tartoving conpenents: Be R(T KD + poy * Bae * RY Me a ifr & F form factor APP. additional pressure resistance due to transom Ne immersion near the surface The cocfficient Y vas varied for several fixed values Of the, Froude numbers and for each Froude nunber 2 Eegression analysis of the vave resistance vas nade in order to satch the nuserical model to the weasuced Rjopt Bre and By vere calculated according to ‘The etendard deviation gq betveen the total measured and calevlated model res!Stance vas used to determine the value of ¥ for each Froude nusber analysed. It is Eealised that this approach vill shov incorrect results EEveong parameters ave used in the regression model of he vave resistance: Horeover, the sample of random nodel test data should be large enough to discern the Vacious components of viscous and vave resistance. Soy Gata of models of various sizes should preferably be Sheluded in the sasple- In. addition, sc fe a prerequisite that the vave resis- Kance andthe form effect depend on hull form pacae ters which are statistically independent. Probably, this is not true. In Fig. 2 the standard deviation between measured and calculated resistance o,, 1s shovn for various Froude nuabers favestigated as" function X. The variation of Y shove clear miniea for most Froude nusbers examined, particularly at the lovest speeds. "Az could be expected, the choice of the fora factor has 2 larger effect on the representation of the total resistance at speeds vhere the Viscous reststance Se. predoainant. The curves for a Froude nunber of 0.5 ‘and "higher ace very flat and haedly give en indication ‘Of the ost suitable level of T. It is to be noted that St these high speeds the data sample is comparatively seal. In. order ‘of the curves of the standard deviation as a function of Tsone alternative sets of variables in the regres clon model of the vave resistance vere investigated for Lintted ‘sunber of Prowle nosbers. Tt appeared that aifterent conbinations of paraneters led to a saxieun weetacion of roughly 0.2 in the T-value vhere the aini- wus standard deviation var found. This sensitivity, to- gether vith the seater in the T-optinum values as a funetion of the Froude number, illustrates that a st Ustieal analysis of a sample of random model test data can only give a tentative influence of the Froude nu bee on the fora factor. In the {able belov the standard deviation of the model resistance, the Yovalve and the nunber of data points fn the sanple are given. rae eee (een [een (0.100 13 0.125, 207 0.150 236 0.200, ier 0.250 12 0-300, 151 0.330, iz 0:400 75 0-450 © 91500 re 0.600 43 to investigate the sensitivity of the minima ~ Je Yevalues io the table reflect the wean Line witch Tee oLinates, the points of sinieus standard deviation” ppeconerdacd ‘deviation of the eodel resistance of the TeTSEtapie ansunte, to. dse per cane Corkasd). Te te Wels Et in the ealeulactone of the model resistance Tee ecperinental’ sero-Frovse” form factor vas ured as Shs eSIBCG! "by meant of Fraheska's’procedoces Tfy hore = Gres this expecinentel figure vould have been replaced Oy 'k “Htacistical value as. obtained by a regression Craiysis, the standard deviations vould have been Maher, in particular for the lover Froude nunbers. hen the statistically determined celattonship between yeind the Froude number is cospared vith the curve Thovn in the fist figure it is concluded that the ce Beetion “of the form factor which vas expected to occur {ste’to the main hump speed of Fa-0.5 is found at much {tee “Froude musbers. Another conclusion fs chat the Cpected Increase of 1sk at lov Froude numbers is quite rodest Tgparently, the best date fit is attained by using Sifghely ‘reduced form factors, even at the lovest Froude nuabers.” thé statistical evidence for most of these, tendencies “is, hovevery rather poors Tt is er pected ‘that a large sample of good correlation data WIL show sinilar effects: in a nore decisive manner. Because model-chip correlation studies have not been nade it Is too early to promote the Froude nunber in- Eluence az derived being applied in the extrapolation of results of sodel experinents- 3. EFFECTS OF BULBOUS BOWS The design of bulbous bovs and the prediction of the ‘effects of & bulbous bov on the Fesistance is in many eases still "a non-rattonal procedure. Efforts to im- Prove this situation either concern the Use of computer Prograns based on source panel nethods az developed by Davson (see eng. Raven, (6]) or the systexatic geonet— rieal description and) classification of experimental results vith derived schenes for the design of bulbous bovs, [7]. It is expected that a successful prediction of effects of 2. bulbous tov can not be made on the Basis of very Linited musber of globel fore coeffi- cients. The rerults presented in this section should therefore not be treated ex an accurate description of the effects of a bulbous box, but rather as'a first ertisation, “which should be” refined and verified by further calculations and model experiments. Attexpts (0 define optinus bulb paraneters on the basis of earlier Work on regression,” [3,4] have shovn unsatisfactory Fesulte” in many eazes. An inprovenene of the descrip ton of the effect of a bulbous tov was the introduc ton of hull fore parameters vhich reflect the forvard sinkage of the ship, [8]. An empirical formulation has been developed but’ after core experience vith this ethod it wns found that rtrange colutions for some of the coetfielents used could result. In this empirical odel’ the effectiveness of the bulbous bov vas related to the cocffletent pep) Here App 4 the teansverse area of the bulb at the st tion 'here the still vaterline crosses the sten, T, is the” forvard draught, and hy is the height of the Eon- (ross of App above the Keel®plane. The use of this com ettictenc WBpiied thar a very snali bulb of almost zero teansverse ares if located just belov the free sucface Would be as effective as 2 large bulb vell innersed. Because this iz inconceivable a efferent coct ficient Ig nov Introduced” co exclude unconventional combina~ Clone of bulb design parameters: yy = Apg/(O15 B (Tp ~ hd? Here B Ss the beeadth of the chip, vhile the othier parameters, have the same meaning az in the other coef ficients The seduction ef the wave resistance component 4s supposed to depend primarily on this coeffictent Eqyr, Because “alco the shape of the entrance 42 1ikely CB nave. sone “effect” several experinental date vith fseied belb contigurations vere. examined and some eves vere fitted. to. these data, Enapection of the data. shoved that there {z\an optimum value ef the DUB Stlactivences "coefficient “Cyy" tor cach” type cl am trance, to be indicated by hall the entcance angle 4 for te S22 Syyropto.ooieia tp ant for HE > 2° GR opta1.07+0.03589 fy The reduction of the vave resistance vas tentatively related to ip and Cy, by means of a curve fitting pro- cess. It As rlasonabié co incorporate the results found in the regression anelysis of the vave resistance for various Froude nusbers and to include in the final analysis also. effects of local vaves which ate gener ated vhen the bulb {s close to the vater surface. The curve. Etting of the Matted nusber of bulb data resulted into the definition of a parameter Ry, which is used in the regression model of the vave reststance. 3 0.718 For 456225 Rya2.91378 C,5(1-C5,/(0-163636 5,))45" for 19229 yn0.06686210.00255523 1,-0.0002128168 12+ 10.3882396 yy +0:005838941 4g Cy -0.08796235 C3, (provided Ry > 0) The additional pressure resistance due to the presence of a bulbous bov near the vater sucface 42 deterained fron the folloving formula, vhich 42 identical to that used in earlier vorl y= 0.31 exo(-0 952) m8 ALS cer(teeed) - Here, the coefficient Fp, vhich accounts for the emer- gence of the bulb and fr., vhich is the Froude nunber based on the imaecsion of the bulb, are deteraiaed in a slightly different manner because nov effects of the forvacd sinkage and the local vave height are taken into consideration. To this end the parameters ip (Cor vard sinkage) and hy (local vave height) are deffned tn the folleving manned: Bn. hp = BT Cy Gy (136-316.3 Fa) Fe vith @ minimum of hy =-0.01 1 hy = ¥? 1,/(400 g) vith upper Limit 0.01 L Fucthes «sion analysis of the vave resistance conponent vas cn 4, REGRESSION ANALYSIS OF WAVE RESISTANCE As discussed in the chapter on the Froude number ine fluence on the form factor a regression analysis of the vave resistance vas used in combination with the stare dacd deviation of the total model resistance sea sti” terlon to deteraine the proper valve of Y. The regress Hed “out for a uber: Bueller vork on regression aaslysis of vave restetence, (3,41,. has ceveated that the contribution of the week ous full’ form coefficients and ratios of main dscns sions varies significantly. over the speed range, the fost. cenathable changes’ occuring near the wat honp ‘Also at speeds further beyond the sain hunp the significance “of several hull form pacasetets changes the seni and fully planing conditions totally Gittecent’ parameters govern the magnitude of the wave The “present analysis numbers 0-1, “0-125, 0.45, 0.5, 006 and 0:8. For ‘several Froude’ nusbers sore than one” formule vas found. in the anslysic. It appeared exteencly ditficule to judge the quality of the vatlous formulae because, as In most regression analyses, a close dats fit does fot necessarily Imply « reliable and stable prediction nunber of fixed values ef the Froude vas carried out for the Froude 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.35, 0-4, foraula. In. particular, the prospect of sone unvanted Lietted’ extrapolation beyond the paraneter range ‘covered ty the data in the sample requires single and stable formulations. The prediction forsula derived for Fae0.45 appeared to be unstable and hence it vas decided to delete it here. Tt {e proposed to deternine the vave recistance ac this Froude tuaber by Interpolation. For some other Froude rnuabers “nore than one formula iz given. Io those cases it ds suggested to use as prediction foraula a veighted ‘combination of the various alternative formulations. In the folloving tables the exponents of the variables used in the Fegression are given together vith soxe of the conseancs. 03 ry os foe mm «fea, 708 Fp and Py = 0.36 fig (Tp = 1.5 by + hp? In these definitions 8 is the breadth, Tp is the for- vard draught, L is the length on the vaterline and V is the speed. I€ is noted that the formula for the forvard sinkage vas. obtained by. regression analysis of sone fest deta Im the range up to PnA0.5- In the regression analysis of the vave resistance, which included the “determination of the form factor correction factor T, the vave sezistance reduction fae toc. Ry vas Included. As expected, &y proved to be sig- niticadt, pacticularly at specds dell belov the main hosp. Te'is' Impossible to drew conclusions on a statis~ cal basis on the range of speeds vhere a bulbous bow is effective, because the dats sample did not include test" data, of ship models vith = bulbous bow tested at gh speeds. leas Jesu oso [ans ce oy lee 2 7 eee eet | ose | ees edie || oh | ak, aa ls formal | L320 The fullness coefficients Cpl, Cp2, Cp3 and Cos ace defined in the folloving sannee: pl = Cp 40.0225 Leb -(0.3 Age + 062 Agg/8 T Gy) pe = ¢opi-0.55)? op = 1.05 = Cp = 0.0225 1eb + 0.3 A, MB T Gy) opt = 1.05 = Cp + 0.15 Ay CB TG) Further: Ry = EMA, MCB Ty) The wave resistance calculated vith the product formula Niven ia. the tables fs the vave resistance per unit Tplacenent veights For Pne0.4 the veight factors 0.2, _ati van 0.4 are. suggested for the three formulae in Geis tespective order For Fra0.6 the veight factors Should ‘be, 0.4 and 0.6. For Pno0-8 the veight factors 0:75, 0.2 and 0.05 are suggested for the three formulae {a thet respective order. For. the detereination of the vave resistance at speeds between” those for which ene or more forsulae have been Ziven a higher order {nterpelation process should be Eide Experience Jeatned. that 2 spline Interpolation theough the vave resistance divided by the speed to he thied power’ yields vave resistance curves vhich agree gutficiently in character vith experinentally deter~ ined’ curves. Of course, this applies only to a combi. ation of paraneters vhich is vell vithin the range of the data saeple used in the regression anelysis. An feregular vave-resistance relationship a= a function Of the speed points tovarée an unusual combination of hull fora parameters of to a conoon hull form for vhich the resistance is caleulated at speeds far belov or far beyond the design speed. 5. OTHER RESISTANCE COMPONENTS 5.1. Feietions] Resistance te frictional resistance Rp is the aajor pact of the coral viscous resistance of a ship. Its magnitude is Ecternined. by the ares of the vetted surface § and the Coefficient of the Erietional resistance C,. The latter fa, determined here by neans of the T1TC-{957 formula, alenough this de not a real fornelecton for the drag of fat plates: cp + 0:075/¢Log¢ea) - 297 luhere Ra is the Reynolds number based on the Lengch on the waterline, For the area of the vetted surface a nev analysis vos nade because it vas known that the eaclier Gnpitieal equation for. the vetted sucface acea. (31, Was not sufficlently accurate in the case of very Slender forms vith low midship section coefficients Cy Algo. the incorporation of the transom area at cest fad) the stern shape coefficient C-rtern have inpeovtd the accuracy sSanifleantly. S-bytt = (0.615989 €,540.111439 Cs 0.000572121 C-stern + 0.265357 Cy 4/Cy)LC2 TBM Ge 3.45538 Ay, © + (14660538 + 0.5839197/0,)Agz/Cp, wher: 30.453 + 0.4425 Cy ~ 0.2062 Cy -0.003467 Br a3 S86 toe? Im these foraulae Cyp 4s the vaterplane area coeffi cient and Apr is theCransverse bulb acea. Further, T Sa "the wean®Taeaught and C) iz the block coefficient The ‘standard deviation of this forsula appeared to be Tip pee cent. For the coefficient Cortern the following table gives the appropriate values: ‘AMKeE body form Creecn Barge type forms “25 or -20 Vashaped sections 10 Noraal sections 0 shaped sections Ser 10 U-shaped sections vith ogner stern 10 ‘ypleal values of C-stern are shovn in Fig. 3 5.2. Pressure drag caused by transom tenersion The additional pressure drag vhich 1s generated by = we calculated front Bye OS 0 tae & zs mere ny = WHER TES EG Although this formula seeas to exaggerate the adéi- Clonal pressure drag of transom type ships of great fullness’ no nev formula vas derived Cor this cesistance Component. It. $3. noted that the value of the coeffi~ Sfene “Gy = 0.2 for sere Froude nuaber agrees vell with Gata prfsented in [9] for the drag of tvo-dinensional edges having an inclination angle of zero. for Foy < Sand for Fal > 5. The form factors a2 obtained fron lov speed resistance freasurencnts, by neanz’ of the nethod of Prohaska vere Teatiseically tnalysed. Prior to regression analysis the’ enpicical “fore factors vere corrected for the ef fect of an lnaersed transom {f present. To this purpose the. aodel resistance was reduced. by the calculated additional pressure drag as detersined by neans of the formulation given in the previous paragraph. The regression analysis learned that the original for~ Bula for’ the form factor as published in [4] 1s about the best that can be developed vith the available data sample and set of variables. The addition of sone Cest Eealts “of vexperinents on. square boxes has provided Eeasonable. form, factor values in very extrese eazes- For extreaely full forms with Cp > 0.9 the original, prediction equation was extended. (ak) = 0.93 + 0.487128 Cy, (8719108898 cq 9°46108 curigy? 2258 (1393566, ac) O6OHRAT where: Ly = b (leCpeCy7#0.06 Cp 1eb/(4 5-10) yp = 9 SEP <0 and G49 © O-4(Cp -0.9) AE cp > 0.9. Further, 8 and T are the movlded breadth and draught, ig. the’ length on the vaterline, V is the moulded dis: Placement voluse, Cp is the longitudinal prismatic co- CEfietent based on” the length on the vacerline. In Sddition, 1cb iz the position of the centre of buoyancy Capressed az a percentage of the vaterline length rela ive. to 1/2 Ly positive values corresponding te posi_ tions “forward of 1/2 L. The coetficseat Cz 1s defined cjg + 1+ 0.011 costern coctfictent C-stern has the sane meaning a8 ex: ned. earlier. The effect of the Froude number, the ssuttibution. of the deag of streselined appendages and The Influence of the Hull roughness should be accounted for to decernine the total viscous resistance: Ryjge 7 BROT R + Ryyy + 0-50 V2 (Schull + Sapp) Cy Hece Y is the Froude munber dependent form factor cor- rection factor az given in the table in Section 2. $4. Appendage deag The resistance of streamlined, Flov oriented appendages can be caleviated by weans of’ the lok) factor az intes Guced” in earlier vork on etatiztical’pover prediceion- Although this is a rather coarse method, good exper= Hence vas obtained vith this approach. The published values for 1sk, have been confiraed on several occasions. In ost expefinental progranses only the equivalent isk, value could be determined. Exper fence “learned ehat%in snall high speed craft. the wea gored total appendoge drag Se greater than calculated. Suis suggests the folloving adaptation and extension of the table of 1+k,-values: ST approxinate 1ekj-values Rudder behind skeg Rodger behind stern Htuin-screw rudder Tvin-serew rudder shaft brackets 3. Skee x Seeur bossing 3 fiull boseing Exposed shatts: Angle with buttocks about 10 degrees] 2 Angle vith buttocks about 20 degrees] 5. seabilicer fine 2 2 1 (slender) (thick) Dome sige keels The drag of deterained fro 2 pp = 0-50? (ska deg CpES-APP combination of these appendages can be “i Here Cp is the Ecictional resistance coefficient of the hol Fand (ek), is" the equivalent sppendage resistance factor’dttermined from: Gtk eg * HCG) 5-a99)/E S-app ane drog of nonvstreanlined or afz-aligned appendages Ein not be determined vith this method. ul rough By considering the air cesistance as a separate cospo- rents the mogel-ahip correlation allovance Cy is Tew garded to ceflect primarily the effect of the rdughness Of the hull surface. Recent studies have revealed that in the munerical for~ ulations nore than one parancter is required to char— Seterise the roughness when deseribing its effect on the resistence. Nevertheless, the formula in this paca~ graph does not include one single coughness. parameter. The given formula applies to nev-built ships with = Toughness, mean amplitude in the order of 150 us over 3 Cotcoff Length of 2 Inches. Modern painting systens can produce ‘sppreclably Less” rough surfaces (100-120 ym) Gnd Caavalues which ace 0.0001 Belov those according to the given fornula ace quite feasible, a cq = 0-00546 (L+1007°°°6 - 0.002 + 0.003 77 of 610.064), where: Cp = Tp/l $f p/h 60.06 ory = 0106 SE TEL > 0.08 cy 15. parameter vhich accounts for the effect of 2 Bhibous “bow, see [3]- For sinplicity sake one ean take _Gyr008 for ships vith a bulb and Cel for ships vithout SP bolbs Tn. the, formula above Lis the Length on the Saterdine ‘Te netcasy Cp is, the block coetfictent based fon. the vaterline length and Tp {5 the forvard draught. The sllovance cesistance ®, 1s'deterained from fl Ry = 0.5 9 V2 (Schull + S-8pP) Cy Asc resistance Previous vork on regression analysis of chip resistance and propulsion data integrates the still air resistance {fn the nodel-ahip correlation allovance Cy. Tt is. theo- retically more justified to distinguish thts conponent cxplicitly because partleularly da high speed ships the Eetio. of the vetted surface area to the air exposed transverse ‘area deviates considerably from ship to Ship. Moreover, Reynolds number effects are 2ikely to play a certain role in the effect of hull roughness, But’ the still air drag vill be dependent merely of the ship speed squared. Folloving the sinple rule incorporated in the ITTC-1978 ethod it 1s suggested to determine the still air drag frome 2 Rye 7 5 Pate Mate Cai here C,y, + 0-8 for normal ships and supersteuctures. sh ; TaekSacntly” Of the alt nye ie usually taken as 1223 ra 6. WORKED EXAMPLE For the folloving hypothet{eal ship the ecill vater Fesistance is colevlaved foc the teisl condition. The Speed considered hece 42 25.626 knots. This corresponds in this” case vith a Froude nuaber of Fne0.6. The main paeticulers are: L Slee ne 8 = 12.008 Sg = 25 degrees re Ty 230m eb = -4.5 per cent L net of OSL ° = 900 dye 20? Sapp = 500m Leky = 3 cstern = 0 Cp = 8 Aye 1000 Related coefficients: Cp 0.60096 cy = 0.46875 ty = 14-1728 S-hull = 621.81 cy = 0-000849 Gy» 0.39954 Results: Low speed hull form factor (I+k) = 1.297 f, + (O.44Rv140.68802) 089 mer = 2.725113 « cuygl/3y 214243 fet 23069607 + (Lye? )-2-24928 402774757 Re okt Foy = 4.40908, Ryg = 2hed Rage 7 87 Y - 0.10 Ry(LeVk)= 92.741.0297 = 95.4 Wt Rapp 2204 ka ie ara R= 066 Kn 7. REFERENCES [1] Report of the Performance Comittee, 14th Interns tional Toving Tank Conference, Ottava 1975. [2] Report of, the Performance Conmittee, 15th Interna tional Toving Tank Conference, The Hague 1978. {31 Moltrop, Je and. Hennen, G.G.J.z An Approxinate Pover Prediction HethoJ, International shipbut ding Progress, ¥ol.29, July 1962. Holtrop, J.; A’ Statistical Reanalysis of Resis- tence and Propulsion Data, International shipbuild- Ing Progress, Vol. 31, November 1984. {5] Lindgren, ff. and Dyne, Cu; Ship Performance Predic- tion, International Symposia on Advances in tarine Technology, Teondhei= 1979. 16] Raven, H-C.; Variations of @ Thene by Davson, 17th Symposium oa Naval Hydrodynamics, The Hazve, ‘ugust-Septenber 1988. A(T) Reseht, Actes Design of Bolbous Bova, Sane 2978. fo] Statistical Prediction of Propulsive Pover, MARIN Report No- 23, septenber 1989. [9] Varpinski, (NR. and Chov, VL; Base Pressure As~ eclated With Inconpressible Flov Fast Vedges at High Reynolds usbers, ASHE Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 46, Septeaber 1979. “ Lok 00 - Fyne =

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