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Tryptamine The Well Known Neuro Modulator

Tryptamine belongs to the category of monoamine alkaloid with the

structure of an indole. It is structurally analogous to tryptophan amino acid
from which the substance derived its name.

It can be traced in small amounts in the mammal brains where it is known to

play the role of a neurotransmitter or neuro-modulator. This compound is the
well known functional group present in a group of compounds which are
collectively termed as substituted tryptamine.

These substituted tryptamines include various active compounds that are

biologically active and the list includes psychedelic drugs and
neurotransmitters. It has been found that the concentration of this substance
found in the brain of rats is approximately around 3.5 pmol/g.
For more information: Tryptamine

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