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What is Semantic HTML?

o Semantic HTML is a coding style where the tags embody

what the text is meant to convey. In Semantic HTML, tags
like <b></b> for bold, and <i></i> for italic should not be
used, reason being they just represent formatting, and
provide no indication of meaning or structure.
The semantically correct thing to do
is use <strong></strong> and <em></em>. These tags will
have the same bold and italic effects, while
demonstrating meaning and structure (emphasis in this

What does DOCTYPE mean?

o The term DOCTYPE tells the browser which type of HTML is used
on a webpage. In turn, the browsers use DOCTYPE to determine
how to render a page. Failing to use DOCTYPE or using a
wrong DOCTYPE may load your page in Quirks Mode. See
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"

How do you make comments without text being picked up by the browser?
o Comments are used to explain and clarify code or to
prevent code from being recognized by the
browser. Comments start with *<!-- and end with -->.

What is the syntax difference between a bulleted list and numbered list?
o Bulleted lists use the <ul> tag, which stands for
unordered, whereas <ol> is used to create an ordered

what is the difference between <div> and <frame>?

o A <div> is a generic container element for grouping and
styling, whereas a<frame> creates divisions within a web
page and should be used within the <frameset> tag. The
use of <frame> and <frameset> are no longer popular and
are now being replaced with the more flexible <iframe>,
which has become popular for embedding foreign
elements (ie. Youtube videos) into a page.

What is the difference between the application model of HTML and HTML5?
o Trick question, there is no difference. HTML5 is a
continuum of HTML and just a souped up version of the
original HTML. There has been no major paradigm shift.

Ok, whats the real difference between HTML and HTML5?

o There are many. From a broader perspective, HTML was a
simple language for laying out text and images on a
webpage, whereas HTML5 can be viewed as an
application development platform that does what HTML
does that and more, including better support for audio,
video, and interactive graphics. It has a number of new
elements, supports offline data storage for applications,
and has more robust exchange protocols. Thus,
proprietary plug-in technologies like Adobe Flash,
Microsoft Silverlight, Apache Pivot, and Sun JavaFX are no

longer needed, because browsers can now process these

elements without additional requirements.

What elements have disappeared?

o As mentioned above, <frame> and <frameset> have been
eliminated. Other elements that are no longer supported
include: <noframe>, <applet>, <bigcenter> and<basefront>.

What are the new media-related elements in HTML5?

o HTML5 has strong support for media. There are now
special <audio> and <video> tags. There are additional A/V
support tags as well: <embed> is a container for 3rd party
applications. <track> is for adding text tracks to
media. <source> is useful for A/V media from multiple

What are the new image elements in HTML5?

o Canvas and WebGL. <Canvas> is a new element that
acts as a container for graphical elements like
images and graphics. Coupled with JavaScript, it
supports 2D graphics. WebGL stands for Web
Graphics Language, a free cross-platform API that is
used for generating 3D graphics in web browsers.
Describe the difference between cookies, sessionStorage,
and localStorage.
o Cookies are small text files that websites place in a
browser for tracking or login purposes.
Meanwhile, localStorage and sessionStorage are new
objects, both of which are storage specifications but
vary in scope and duration. Of the two, localStorage is

permanent and website-specific

whereas sessionStorage only lasts as long as the
duration of the longest open tab.
Q: Name 3 of the minimum HTML elements needed for an HTML

A: !DOCTYPE html | html | body | head | (title kind-of)

Q: Name 4 new elements in HTML5 that were not available in previous

HTML versions.

A: canvas | audio | svg | header | footer | aside | article | nav | section etc

Is JavaScript case sensitive?

A: Yes

Q: What is the difference between == and ===

A: == checks equality, === checks equality and type

What is an AJAX request and what is a simple example of where a AJAX

request would be used?

A: Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. Client side process used for GET,
POST etc to get new data without having to refresh the page.

Q: Create an array in JavaScript with a list of 4 colors, assign that array to

the variable, colors.

A: var colors = [red, yellow, green, blue];

What is jQuery

A: A JavaScript Framework/Library that make things like DOM

selection/manipulation, AJAX, and animation, easier.

: Is jQuery code exicuted on the clientside, or serverside?

A: Clientside

Why css3

In the past, in order to create gradients, shadows, and rounded

corners, web designers have had to resort to a number of tricky
techniques. Sometimes extra HTML elements were required. In cases
where the HTML is kept fairly clean, scripting hacks were required. In
the case of gradients, the use of extra images was inevitable. We put

up with these workarounds, because there was no other way of

accomplishing those designs.
CSS3 allows you to include these and other design elements in a
forward-thinking manner that leads to so many benefits: clean markup
that is accessible to humans and machines, maintainable code, fewer
extraneous images, and faster loading pages.

Explain the three main ways to apply CSS styles to a

Web page:

What is grouping and what is it used for?

o Grouping allows you to apply the same style to
multiple elements with a single declaration. This is
done by grouping the selectors into a list, separated
by commas.
e.g.) h1, h2 { font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 20; }

what is ajax

Ajax is not a programming language or a tool, but a concept. Ajax is

a client-side script that communicates to and from a server/database
without the need for apostback or a complete page refresh. The best
definition Ive read for Ajax is the method of exchanging data with a
server, and updating parts of a web page - without reloading the entire
page. Ajax itself is mostly a generic term for
variousJavaScript techniques used to connect to a web server
dynamically without necessarily loading multiple pages. In a more
narrowly-defined sense, it refers to the use of XmlHttpRequest objects
to interact with a web server dynamically via JavaScript.

This could be done in jQuery as follows:

$( "#expander" ).animate(
width: "200px",
height: "200px",
3000 );

Q1. What is jQuery?

Ans: jQuery is fast, lightweight and feature-rich client side
JavaScript Library/Framework which helps in to traverse HTML DOM,
make animations, add Ajax interaction, manipulate the page content,
change the style and provide cool UI effect. It is one of the most
popular client side library and as per a survey it runs on every second

Q2. Why do we use jQuery?

Ans: Due to following advantages.

Easy to use and learn.

Easily expandable.
Cross-browser support (IE 6.0+, FF 1.5+, Safari 2.0+, Opera
Easy to use for DOM manipulation and traversal.
Large pool of built in methods.
AJAX Capabilities.
Methods for changing or applying CSS, creating animations.
Event detection and handling.
Tons of plug-ins for all kind of needs.

. Is jQuery a W3C standard?

Ans: No. jQuery is not a W3C standard.

What is the difference between synchronous

postback and asynchronous postback?
The difference between synchronous and asynchronous postback is as
- Asynchronous postback renders only the part of the page which is
needed; while, synchronous postback renders the entire page in a

What are the differences between AJAX and JavaScript?

The differences between AJAX and JavaScript are given as follows:
- AJAX sends request to the server and will not wait for the response.
- It will allow other operations on the page before it get response of previous request;
whereas, JavaScript make a request to the server, will waits for response and will not allow
other operation on the page during that time.
- In AJAX, the page will not get refreshed for downloading the whole page while JavaScript
manages and controls a Web page after being downloaded.
- By using AJAX we can minimize the overload on the server because the script needs to
request once while JavaScript posts the request that updates the script each time.

WordPress is an online, open source website creation tool written in PHP. But in non-geek
speak, it's probably the easiest and most powerful blogging and website content management
system (or CMS) in existence today.

Magento is an ecommerce platform built on open source technology which provides online
merchants with a flexible shopping cart system, as well as control over the look, content and
functionality of their online store. Magento offers powerful marketing, search engine
optimization, and catalog-management tools.Dec 17, 2013

OpenCart is a turn-key ready "out of the box" shopping cart solution.

You simply install, select your template, add products and you're ready
to start accepting orders. It has order management and multiple
payment gateways already built in and we provide lifetime free support
and free software updates. Open Source.

Joomla is a free and open-source content management system

(CMS) for publishing web content. It is built on a modelview

controller web application framework that can be used independently

of the CMS.

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