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Peter Aaron

Am capstone

Teamwork Reflection
On this day in Capstone we were required to do a team building assessment with our
teammates for the community project. Those in my team include Jaden Hanson,Richard
Abbott, Austin Walton, and myself. For this assessment, we had to build a tower together using
only 5 mini-marshmallows, 20 strands of spaghetti, tape, and string. We discussed for a
moment on how we were going to build the tower, and then from there we built the base of the
tower and went from there. After running out of marshmallows, we started building a long rod
using the spaghetti and tape. The picture posted on my website shows the end result. This
assessment helped by getting to know our teammates better and also showed how well we
collaborated together. The only thing that I would have done different during this exercise is not
do all the work and had my other team member do more of the work rather than myself.

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