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Komodo Dragon

Natural Habitat:
Range: Komodo dragons live on four southeastern Indonesian islands in the
Lesser Sunda region: Flores, Gili Motang, Komodo and Rinca.
Habitat: The lizards habitat can be anything from a tropical dry forest, to a
savanna, to a deciduous monsoon forest.

Wild Diet: The Komodo dragons diet consists mostly of wild animals of the
savanna. They can eat dozens of kilograms of meat in one meal.
Life Span: Dragons may live about 30 years in the wild.
Adaptions: The Komodo dragon has adapted in many ways to suit its climate,
habitat, and eating habits. These adaptions include powerful legs, bacteria in
mouth, long, and forked tongue.
Status: Vulnerable
Gender differences: Male Komodo dragons tend to grow larger and bulkier then
females. There is no obvious difference between the sexes.

Social Behavior: The Komodo dragon is a solitary animal, except
during the breeding season. It is a very territorial animal.
Vocalization: Hissing is one of few sounds made. It is usually
associated with defensive behavior and is used during feeding, during
attacks, and frequently by females during mating.

Captivity Concerns:
Food supply: In captivity, Komodo Dragons are fed inanimate rodents,
chicks, and rabbits.
Safety for Animal/Human: The precautions when housing the
komodo, so they don't harm the humans or vice versa, are glass
separation and a height difference between the komodo and the
human; this means the komodo is a few feet lower while the human is
higher up.

Fun Facts
Komodo dragons teeth are serrated.
Local people call them Ora or land crocodile.
They can consume 80% of their body weight in one sitting.


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