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Bosold 1

Erin Bosold
Eng. 3 per. 1
Mr. Conrad
September 25, 2014
Why Do People Come To America?
People come to America for many reasons including religious freedom, search for wealth,
and freedom from oppression. Three text best describe the many reasons why people come to
America, Desperate Voyagers, Plymouth Plantation, and the Jungle each of these texts focus on
one reason why people come to America. Through this essay the reader will see three reasons on
why people come to America including religious freedom, search for wealth, and freedom from
Plymouth Plantation is a text that shows why and how the Pilgrims came to America. the
Pilgrims came to America for religious freedom in 1620 thought themselves happy to get out of
the those dangers before nights overtook them, as by Gods good providence they did(8-9-70).
In other words we come to this foreign land to speak free from our religious chains that bound
used to the tyranny of our government. The Pilgrims came to America for religious freedom and
freedom from oppression.
In the Jungle by Upton Sinclair a young man by the name of Jurgis has come to America
in the hopes of striking it rich. America, where a friend of his had gotten rich. He would work,
for his part, and the women would work, and some of the children, doubtless-they would live
some how. This was a common misconception at the time; people would come from
everywhere to somehow find wealth. Jurgis had come to America to strike it rich but instead he
found only pain and misery.

Bosold 2
Now people come to America to escape gang violence. But for the most part according
to surveys by the U.N and other, is fear of the criminal gangs that shape life back at home.
Criminal organizations make huge impacts on civilian life even going to the grocery store can
easily turn into a bloodbath. So its no idea that's why people now are come to America.
Why is that life in other countries are so bad that we as Americans have to take in all the
strays. Seriously why is it that bad in other countries if so why arent we doing anything about it.
Yeah Political but come on America complain about immigrants all the time. So Come on
America get off your high horse and get to work.

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