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Bosold 1

Erin Bosold
Mr. Conrad
Eng. 3 per. 1
April 29, 2015
Greed and Selfishness
The Grapes of Wrath is boring to every student, but we are forced to write this unbearable
essay time and time again. In Steinbecks The Grapes of Wrath has many themes such as family,
struggle, and survival: but mostly it highlights human error and/or human flaws. The reader may
think that the most common theme is wrath due to the name, but in reality the book should have
been called The Grapes of Greed because the book shows nothing but greed and selfishness.
In the beginning of the book Steinbeck shows the Americans thirst for land after the
Mexican war: Guerros land, took the grants and broke them up and granted and quarreled over
them, those frightened men(315).Interpreting the power struggle after the Mexican war:
Steinbeck also shows the unquenchable hunger for money and power: These things lost, and
crops were reckoned and in dollars and land was valued by principal plus interest, and crops
were bought and sold before they were planted(316).Explaining that the crops were sold before
the season had even taken place: not only does Steinbeck make you hungry but he also indicates
human strive for power.
Later in the book Steinbeck shows human greed at its finest: and the children dying of
Pellagra must die because a profit cannot be taken from an orange. And coroner must fill in the
certificates- died of malnutrition- because the food must rot, must be forced to rot(477). The
whole time while all the time the farmers grew larger and the owners fewer (316). But if the
farms are growing isnt there food; why would there be children starving to death if theres food?

Bosold 2
Is it because humans in general are so selfish that they need to make a profit every time and
when they cant they let the food rot and or burn in front of starving children that cant even walk
let alone move because of malnutrition.
Selfishness is another theme of The Grapes of Wrath not only does it show humans
conquest for money and power it also shows humans only have selfish desires. They come
rattling cars to get the dumped oranges,but the kerosene is sprayed(477). Not only does
Steinbeck add more evidence of selfishness but he also adds the need for food in this starving
community. By explaining human selfishness to make money over feeding the poor and
children.The great companies did not know the line between hunger and anger is a thin
line(387).Creating the essence power and pride. Again Steinbeck cultivates the horrific reality
of the 1920s showing human greed ,selfishness, and the need for food.
The Grapes of Wrath is boring to any student, it isnt even relevant to today's society, but
it show humans are selfish creatures only thinking about themselves.(Which in today society is
nothing but true.) All in all The Grapes of Wrath has many themes but the two most dominant are
greed and selfishness which expresses that humans are flawed and tragic creatures. Reinstating
an earlier comment the book showed be called The Grapes of Greed not The Grapes of Wrath.

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