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7) Se le paga lo correspondiente segun el cargo y el salario minimo es la base y

de ahi en adelante cada quien gana segun sus responsabilidades.

Respecto a las condiciones de trabajo, se trabajan 8 horas diarias mas las horas
extras, se pagan prestaciones sociales, prima, vacaciones, pensin cesantas,
salud, intereses cada 6 meses.
How much is the stuff paid? What are the working conditions like?
Will pay the appropriate according to the charge and the minimum wage is the
basis and then on everyone earns according to their responsibilities.
Regarding working conditions, working 8 hours a day are more overtime, benefits,
bonus, vacation, pension, severance, health, interest paid every six months.
Si, porque estamos en la capacidad de ofrecer buenos productos con calidad y
segn los requerimientos del cliente
Procuramos que sean productos con precios justos, aunque en este momento
debido al dlar hemos tenido que hacer alzas pero sin embargo siguen siendo
precios justos.
Does the company offer good products with fair prices?
Yes, because we are able to offer good quality products according to customer
We ensure that our products are fairly priced, although at this time due to the dollar
we had to make gains but nevertheless remain fair prices.

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