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PLC / ESL Collaborations

ESL teacher: Brittany Tibben

School: Orchard Hill
3 Big Ideas

Focus on Learning
Collaborative Culture
Focus on Results

Date: September 2015

4 Critical Questions
What is it we want our students to learn?
How will we know if each student has learned it?
How will we respond when some students dont learn
How can we extend and enrich the learning for
students who have demonstrated proficiency?

Be mindful of time and agenda. Come prepared.
Stay positive. Celebrate, bond, build together.
Stay involved in the task.
Keep and share meeting minutes.
Incorporate data in decision-making in terms of instruction, intervention and enrichment.
Share instructional successes and offer suggestions for tiered support.

65% (meeting anticipated AMAO growth targets) of English
Learners in the Cedar Falls Community School District will
improve language skills as measured by the composite score
on the state assessment of English language development
(ELPA 21).

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