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| Nursing 150 Scholarly Assignment: Journal Article Review ‘Nursing 150 Scholarly Assignment: Journal Article Review Title Page Natan, M.B., Lownstein, A., & Eisikovits, Z. (2010). Psycho-social factors affecting elders’ maltreatment in long-term care facilities. International Nursing Review, 57(1), 113-120. Raymond Robles 1N00360071 March 4", 2015 Humber College North camous i an Nana ac tl nl cen NT RECEIVED eee et er ac a eR Dd a ‘Nursing 150 Scholarly Assignment: Journal Article Review Use Authors Lem teler, hotng pen, Kisikron teC a ) Elder maltreatment is abuse towards an elderly individual. Physical, emotional, and Introduction sexual abuse as well as financial exploitation and negligence are all aspects of elder maltreatment. In a long-term care environment where patients are assisted by health-care providers to improve quality of life, elderly maltreatment still exists. But what exactly causes wet Mecescees, 1 bet PSL elder maltreatment? In the article PsFcho-soctal factors affecting elders’ rflireatme im long ——f—— La ios} speaks of numerous tests and studies to determine the psychosocial factors of the term care faci contributing to elderly maltreatment in long-term care facilities. As a nursing student, one integrity and dignity 2 ‘most important lessons I’ve learned is to treat patients with trust, respect, ‘This is why I chose this article. I was interested in what exactly causes a health-care provider (0 ignore their standards and expectations, and instead choose to abuse their patients. The article euneentieteeents alot studies three main areas that consists of factors that may cause elderly maltreatment } term care facility. These three main areas were subjected to survey’. tests, and studies in order to include determine the factors that cause the abuse of patients and patient negligence, These are: stafP traits, patient traits and features of the facility. In the article itis suggested that sta waits and employee burnout level all factor into the mistreatment of such as education, seniority. elderly patients. Patient traits also contribute to maltreatment, Studies show that female patients ‘most abuse, Finally. in summary. with dementia and over the age of 80 are subjected to the staf ratio and employee turnover all features of the facility such as number of beds, patient-to affect elderly maltreatment. Staff Traits Firstly. the article focused on common staff traits that lead to elder maltr niority. and employee burnout are the main factors that affect elderly treatment in Education. a +i. Y- pe nursing 150 Scholarly Assignment: Journal Article Review staff traits. The studies suggested that workers who are less educated, less experienced and are overworked are the employees most likely to practice elder maltreatment. According to Natan’s, Lownstein’s, and Eisikovits’ arti isiko s artiet€2010: “ Nursing aides are often the most prevalent sector at long-term care facilities for the elderly. These workers mostly do not receive orderly professional training (Pillemer & Moore 1990). In addition, staffs who have been working at the facility for a longer period will be less likely to behave violently towards the elderly and have a more positive attitude (Baltz & Turner 1997). Pillemer & Brachman-Prehn (1991) found that improper care of elderly patients is associated with job pressures and staff burnout. (p.114) Understanding this key point in the article helps improve our knowledge and values when it comes to nursing practice. I think being able to understand these facts will help improve and Y decrease elder maltreatment. For example, setting a higher requirement for the education of UCPs and practical nurses will further educate health-care providers in the treatment of elderly patients. vw When it comes to this point of the article, I fully agree with the authors’ points. Like, 5 most, [have experienced negative service from employees only because the employees were uneducated, inexperienced, or stressed out. The article suggested that most maltreatments and neglects were not done deliberately. In my opinion. to decrease elder abuse, not only should nurses have a more in-depth education, but long stressful, back-to-back shifts should be considered to be shortened in order to better improve the treatment of the patients. a an ae using 150 Scholarly Assignment: Journal Article Review ‘ Employee Traits ‘The main article by MB-Natan, ACownstein, and ZL ‘common patients subjected to abuse are demented white women over the age of 80. Another article supports that point and also states that most maltreatments are done by individuals who are close to the victim in which whom the victim trusts. According to Collin’s (2006): .,_~ ‘The victim is usually socially isolated and lives in close proximity to or with the perpetrator. The elder victim usually has a personal relationship with the perpetrator (e#, relative, neighbor, nurse/sitter/caregiver, family friend). Often the victim is dependent on the perpetrator. Inherent factors in the elder that appear to put him or her at risk include vS cognitive impairment, dementia, physical impairment, debility, incontinence, provocative actions of the elder, guilt, fear of nursing home placement, and a fear of retaliation, _~ ‘After reading the two articles, I have learned quite a few things in regards to employee traits and the psychosocial factors that affect elder maltreatment, Due to their frailty and vulnerability. T ‘understand why the most common victim of elder maltreatment are elderly white women with dementia. However, leaming that most elderly maltreatment come from those who are close to the is new information for me. I think understanding this piece of knowledge helps me reflect on my role as a student nurse. ‘Asa student nurse and onward, I must understand that the patient may depend on me in order to help them achieve a certain quality of life. This means the patient must be able to trust me. The Canadian Fundamentals of Nursing by Potter and Perry (2014) also help support this point Sucerst Ka [ar Ton 6 : ‘ ae A ain urcle y Fey were r (loaner fil ee eEeEEeEe nursing 150 Scholarly Assignment: Journal Article Review Elder abuse is the mistreatment of an older adult by other people who are in a position of trust or power or who are responsible for the adult's care. Neglect is commonly associated with abuse. For example, elder abuse includes not performing an action (inaction) that a caretaker has a duty to perform, such as not providing medications to an older adult who needs them (Potter 385) Reflecting on these articles, I learned how easy it can be to abuse your power whether it is deliberate or not. These articles helped me further understand the sensitivity of the therapeutic relationship between a nurse and the patient, especially the elderly. “ Features of the Facility ‘The main article states that environmental features such as the number of beds, patient-to- staff ratio and employee turnover in the long-term care facility may increase elderly maltreatment. I agree with this statement because it is logical to suggest that if there isn’t enough space and privacy for patients, it may affect the patient's mood and some may even become aggressive — ultimately leading to elderly maltreatment if the patient becomes hostile towards the nurse. Having insufficient amount of nurses and a high turnover rate may also increase elder maltreatment due to having to constantly re-establish a therapeutic relationship with the patients. ‘The CNO provides a standard to the patients and the community by suggesting: ‘As partners in care, employers and nurses share responsibility for ereating an environment that supports quality practice. These strategies will help employers and nurses develop and maintain a quality practice setting that supports nurses in providing safe, effective and ethical care. 1 TN mt mn tm a nursing 150 Scholarly Assignment: Journal Article Review ‘on the website, the CNO states numerous leas of exactly how they plan to provide a quality practice setting, It includes the standards of appropriate staffing and zero tolerance for abuse. The CNO website supports the main article because it shows awareness of the on-going abuse and how they are implementing standards to protect abused patients and punish the abuser. a Conclusion From this article overall, my thoughts on this assignment are not all positive. I find it alarming how elder maltreatment, and all forms of maltreatment are being performed by a number of health professionals. I understand that the CNO and various institutions are trying to reduce these risks but I believe more needs to be done to prevent these incidents. A few ways to help prevent these situations have been touched on in this article, such as reducing hours, hiring more staff, and providing a comfortable health-care environment, Furthermore, I learned many of the psychosocial factors that affect elder abuse in the long-term care facilities. I now have better knowledge when it comes to elderly maltreatment and [ understand various ways in which we can improve on decreasing elder abuse. I think the purpose of the main article was to create ‘an awareness of the seriousness of this subject. As a future nurse, I will make sure to take this assignment and use it as a foundation of how I will approach my practice on a daily basis. a 7 suring 150 Scolaty Assignment: Journal Article Review References Natan, M.B., Lownstein, A., & Eisikovits, Z. (2010). Psycho-social factors affecting elders’ 4 maltreatment in long-term care facilities. International Nursing Review, 57(1), 114. . Collins, K.A., (2006). Elder Maltreatment. Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Forensic Section, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, 130(1), 1290. College of Nurses of Ontario. (2003, May). Therapeutic Nurse-Client Relationship, Revised 2006. Retrieved March 3", 2015, from “Potter; Patricia, Anne Perry, Janet Ross-Kerr, Marilynn Wood, Barbara Astle, Wendy Duggleby. Canadian Fundamentals of Nursing, Sth Edition. Mosby Canada, 2014. VitalBook file.

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