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BTL Volunteer Service Award

Rosemary Barat
A. During the years of 2014 and 2015 Rosemary Barat worked with ContactLifeline as a Support
Worker for crisis helpline listeners as well as working various shifts as a crisis helpline worker.
As a Support Worker Rosemary was responsible for being on call to respond to crisis hotline
workers needing a higher level of support for their calls. These shifts lasted 8 hours each time.
As a crisis helpline worker Rosemary provided the highest quality of telephone counseling, crisis
intervention and prevention services for persons in crisis or those who were in need of someone
to simply listen to them. These services are provided for any individual in the state of Delaware.
B. Throughout the course of 2014 and 2015 Rosemary Barat completed 33 shifts as a Support
Worker totaling 264 hours. She also completed 57 crisis helpline worker totaling 228 hours. As
a support worker she supported XX number of crisis helpline volunteers.
C. ContactLifeline serves the citizens of the state of Delaware with a mission to keep individuals
alive and safe, to help them through crisis and to connect them with relevant community
resources. Through her time volunteering with ContactLifeline not only did Rosemary
exemplify these core values, she used her over 30 years of experience to provid guidance to other
volunteers so that all callers received the best services available.

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