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School of Information Technology and Engineering

Winter 2015-2016
Programme: MCA
Course Code: ITA603

Slot: L29+L30
Course Name : Computer Visualization Techniques Lab

1. Write a Dev C++ program to draw a line using
a) Bresenhams Line drawing Algorithm.
b) Midpoint Line drawing algorithm.
2. Write a Dev C++ program to draw a Circle using
a) Bresenhams Circle Algorithm.
b) Midpoint Circle Algorithm.
3. Write a Dev C++ program to perform the following Algorithms
a) Boundary-Fill Algorithm
b) Flood-Fill Algorithm
4. Write a Dev C++ program to perform the following 2D transformations
a) Translation
b) Rotation
c) Scaling
d) Reflection
e) Shearing
5. Write a Dev C++ program to perform the following 3D transformations
a) Translation
b) Rotation
c) Scaling

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