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Media & Film - MY SUPER HERO

Name: Glabenis (formerly known as Ben)

Age: 30

Date of Birth: 05/05/1885

Species: Meta-human
Type of Hero: Superhero as he protects Earth from evil aliens across the galaxy

Can control all particles that are connected to fire/water

Power Mimicry (Absorption)/Sensing
Healing (Himself and Others)
Superhuman Longevity/Strength/Endurance
Superhuman speed
Time Travel/Manipulation
Psionic blast- Ability to overload another's mind causing pain, memory loss,
lack of consciousness, vegetative state or death

Weakness: Electricity He dies if he touches electricity, he resurrects according

to how high the Power of the electricity is. E.G. 100,000 Ohms= 100 seconds, but
he leaves behind a ferocious tiger in his place that has the same powers as him but
lacks the weakness of electricity. (He has half the strength of Glabenis.)

Background Info: Ben and Cindy, his girlfriend, graduated from the California
Institute of Technology in 2009, when they applied for NASA. They both got in and
started off as the Astronauts assistants. Until later in Mid November 2011 they
became junior Astronauts and Ben proposed to Cindy (she said yes!) and planned
their wedding in January 2012. They got married and got a boy in September 2012.
In 2014, they were informed that they would have the chance to go into outer space
for the very first time, but Ben would have to go alone as Cindy was 6 months
pregnant of a girl. After the incident, Cindy still stayed by his side; and they are
raising up their children together.

How he got his powers/abilities:

Ben was on another Space Trip, looking for other planets in our galaxy, when his
ship was struck by Glaciem and Ignus, two planets that were going to collide in two
each other. The two planets created an explosion as big as Jupiter and as an aftereffect somehow gave him super powers and a new look.

His pet tiger, Tigris (that is summoned while

Glabenis resurrects)

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